
People forget that actors are egomaniac narcissists of varying degrees. The longer you’re in the business and not connecting with the real world, the more you start to believe in your own importance as a tool of spreading knowledge. That’s true for stage actors, too.

Yeah that bit was really weird. I’m a white Eastern European who spent her childhood behind the iron curtain. I knew who Nina Simone was fucking ages ago. Me. In fact I sang to Nina long before I heard who Zoe Saldana was/is. She needs to just stop now.

She clearly refuses to acknowledge the real underlying issue here in regards to her playing the role of Nina Simone, and also probably her own insecurities in identifying as a black woman.

And it takes a shady narcissist to listen to all the critiques of her portrayal of Simone but hear “you’re too pretty to play Nina Simone.” Nope, that is not the problem.

She’s been shovelling so long you’d think she would have gotten a clue by now. Saldana also said in an Allure Interview, June 2013,“ Let me tell you: If Elisabeth Taylor can be Cleopatra, I can be Nina”.

Plus she’s implying she’s the only black actress who could have done the movie as “well” as she did.

She should legit take a vow of silence for at least six months. She should have learned her lesson after Nina Simone’s estate came for her hard on Twitter. Everything she says about this subject makes her look worse.

Ugh. Yes. I feel a pretty put-off by the fact that she thinks no one knew who Nina Simone was before this mess of a movie came out. That’s just an insult to the massive waves that amazing woman made in her lifetime and after.

I think Zoe should maybe never open her mouth on this subject again. It’s like she’s got a shovel and she wants to keep digging deeper and deeper...

Exactly. It’s a pretty textbook extractive state–who controls the oil gets rich when the prices are up, and when they go down everyone is screwed. And it is useful to point out that while there are piles of failed resource-focused economies on both the socialist and capitalist sides of the ledger, the two biggest

Venezuela was fucked under capitalism, too. I love how people tend to have selective, and terribly short, memories when it suits their ideological outlooks. Or perhaps they never had memories to begin with, but simply chose to be completely fucking ignorant about everything other than the narrow target of their