Just Me

I just meant that he had a reason for taking Amy with him that he kept secret, same as with Clara.

same as Amy….so no, not really

If you want to get into that (and I agree with you) my biggest complaint has always been Journey's End. Now, don't get me wrong, Stolen Earth and JE are two of my all time favorite eps, but come on-dragging the earth back through space didn't shift plate tectonics or alter the tides? Or basically kill the entire

That's a totally unfair assessment. Tennant, as others in this thread point out, was a HUGE Who fan boy and saw the Doctor as one of the high points of his career, not a "stepping stone". When questioned about how he liked playing the Doctor, he answered that he didn't PLAY the Doctor, he IS the Doctor. Not something

that's because real comedy is based in pathos, something every good comedic actor knows.

In all the hoopla about 12's speech (and yes, it is well deserved hoopla) there is something no one is talking about. The poor, hapless Zygon who is used to reveal their presence wanted no part of the "game". Like so many others, he just wanted to live his life in peace, but the actions of others of his kind marked