Tracy Robison

Daddy's Song by Nilsson/The Monkees

Neil Young's Rust Never Sleeps (1978) has an encore performance of Tonight's The Night following the film credits.

There is no excuse for his absence.

I don't know what his current condition is but he didn't seem very healthy.

Her weekend update songs that usually finished with a headstand and Toonces the Driving Cat.

During Weekend Update she would sing a song and do a handstand. She also appeared in Toonces the Driving Cat sketches.

Couldn't agree more! I'm in my early 40s, and the Ebersol years were when I started watching the show LIVE. So many great bits and performers were barely touched upon or completely ignored.

Was Julia even there? How about Terry Sweeney — the best Nancy Reagan impersonation ever!

I didn't like Emma doing the Gilda bit, but Melissa McCarthy's Matt Foley was enjoyable.

Jim Henson!

He certainly appealed to lots of folks, I just wasn't one of them.

That particular moment prompted my wife to sing , "One of these things, is not like the others…"

I agree with everything that was highlighted here. While I enjoyed last night's show, it was far from perfect. For me there was not enough Nora Dunn, Dennis Miller, Victoria Jackson, or Harry Shearer. I may not agree with some of those former members' current political leanings, but they were great during their time