
During the scene in which Bill starts to pleasure Gini while they look over the balcony, was anyone else reminded of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when Spike essentially did the same thing to Buffy?

So glad to see Sarah Silverman continuing to do more dramatic work. Was pleasantly surprised by her role in Take This Waltz, and am eager to see more of her range

Cracking up at how accurate this is

So let's raise a glass…

They should just release a sex tape…honestly after seeing Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who hasn't thought about them in bed. It's not just me, right guys? Guys? ….

So glad Cyrus finally got what was coming to him. He's a character I love to hate

Uh, I actually really loved this episode. It was well-paced, tense, and had zero Dana drama. At least the writers are figuring out a way to realistically bring Brody back into the story, as opposed to having him magically escape and fly back to the US.