Is this somehow purposefully picking up on the thousands of weird “You won’t believe what Mama June looks like now!” ads that I get in Twitter and Facebook? Because that is WEIRD and I do not know why the internet thinks I need that marketing.
Is this somehow purposefully picking up on the thousands of weird “You won’t believe what Mama June looks like now!” ads that I get in Twitter and Facebook? Because that is WEIRD and I do not know why the internet thinks I need that marketing.
I think they meant more, why is she on this list? I didn’t see anything in her tweet that made it worthy of the worst tweets of the day.
I know she went around hiding books in the subway. I don’t see the problem with the tweet? I don’t get why people are so hard on Emma Watson.
That was my first reaction too, but apparently they’re all 28-33. Hollywood is so weird and has broken our brains.
The Asian people Danny is associated with in the show are - like I said, he does this literally standing in Colleen’s own martial arts dojo that she runs. The show still takes the time to have him tell those people that he’s so much better and yet, when it comes to actually showing it, Colleen’s fight scenes are more…
Because the scene in question - in a show that has been DOGGED with questions about how it would adapt source material rooted in dated orientalist concepts for a long while - features a white man mansplaining the art of kung fu to a half chinese, half japanese woman WHO RUNS HER OWN MARTIAL ARTS DOJO.
They are acting like incompetent tv sitcom dads trying to make safe jokes about their impotent maleness that just end up reinforcing dumb ideas about men and women. It’s not like Jezebel is the bastion of radicalism and sound politics— it’s not and these jokes also show the shallowness of the content here. Everyone…
Because society has done a lot of evolving since the Iron Fist character first showed up in the 1970s. A white man lecturing Asian people on their own culture isn’t the greatest look in any decade, but in 2017 it’s really not great.
If he was half-asian it would have solved a lot of problems regarding cultural sensitivity, and white people could have their cake and eat it too.
Isn’t it fucking awesome that everyone still does the same kind of women jokes in 2017 that they did in 1951? Yay, make America great again!
The annoying thing about the response to these reviews is that people are like “hurr durr SJWs” and seem to ignore that reviewers just have like problems with the show as a show, outside of anything regarding race. It’s almost universally “the show is poorly paced from the beginning when other Marvel Netflix shows…
It’s offensive because he’s supposed to be the best but it never fucking shows in the actual show. His fight scenes are actually atrocious. And it’s because they hired a guy who knows jack shit about martial arts so they had to do a lot of fancy camerawork and editing to hide that fact and the fight choreo is boring.
The ones that own their own dojo?
Look people are the real racists for saying they should have cast an Asian Danny. Clearly they hired the best person for the jo...
It’s been this same joke the whole day though. Make the joke once, then get on to actually trying to do a good job. Instead they’ve just been trying to make the same joke over and over again.
Yes it is. But honestly they are trying just a little too hard to prove the point. I like Drew and I get what he is saying here but these guys aren’t that incompetent I’ve seen plenty of good stuff across the platform.
I don’t get why you boys feel the need to post jokes and shallow vapid pieces all day. How hard is it to do a couple of gossipy-fun posts (you know celebs, sports what the fuck ever that is silly and fun), a couple of updates on what the administration is doing, and updates on the Women’s Strike Day? Why are you all…
Remember on election day when all those idiot men at Deadspin said they weren’t voting or were voting third party or various other dumb shit?