
Capitalize those upfront costs to pump your EBITDA!

Deliveries are such great use cases for EVs. This is a vehicle that will never be pressed into extended range duty for a road trip, can be returned to a charging station every night, will drive predictable routes around which range can be managed, and depending on electrical rates, improve operating margins vs. gas.

This site is barely “media”, which implies some (even miniscule) levels of impartiality.  I reframe Jalopnik as a hot takes opinion site, it goes down much easier that way.  

My 6 yr old wanted to watch it and I said no.  Plenty of time in his life to be sucked into politics BS, he should stick with Legos and Spider-Man.

Another reason people dislike the media. He did not say for folks to work like hell! Stop spinning it in your view. Disappointed in you Erik.

Now playing

Neutral: I am still in bed, curled up in a little ball and still crying like a Justin Bieber fangirl/boy over the death of EVH.

We’re already seeing battery powered heavy equipment - dirt moving tractors, excavators, etc. They actually substantially reduce costs to operate and if you’ve run them much you know that they usually don’t take a lot of fuel to operate, so it’s a perfect place for battery adoption. But I agree for some industries

55 MPH is not the speed most trucking is doing though, many states have 85 MPH limits not only that truckers are on 14 hour shifts generally (11 hours to drive with 3 rest hours) so they would need to be able to drive 55*11 or 605 miles at best and at worst 85*11 or 935 miles at worst. this is without counting

Long haul truckers tag team so one drives while the other sleeps. Actually becoming a thing for married couples 

Been thinking about this for awhile. Most practical scenario at this point is EV’s replace gas powered consumer cars, and Hydrogen replaces diesel in tractor trailers, box trucks, maybe HD pickups too? Basically everything above a certain GVWR. I don’t think there’s a practical amount battery to put in something even

This. Trucking industry needs to have no range limits. Local deliver, sure, works all day long. Long need unlimited range. A driver can drive for 11 hrs. At 60mph, thats 660 miles before a driver change. A number of carriers utilise two drivers for around the clock transport. One sleeps while the other

The manual siren requiring an operator to ride along as it spat out its’ wail of impending doom was considered a drawback but that’s absolutely how I’d want to go out in a nuclear apocalypse.

Well, with the realization that of a lot of commuting to an office could be replaced with commuting to the “home office, I think that the commuter econobox is now knock-knock-knocking on heaven’s door-or. People seem to be more gravitating towards fun cars. Like Jeeps, Broncos, offroady trucks and crossovers. Maybe

I have a better idea. Anyone not in my contact list gets sent directly to voicemail. If it is important, they will leave a message. Works like a charm.

Seems counterproductive, but an unfortunate reality of EV utility vehicles. Making a small engine compact, affordable, clean and reliable while being inexpensive enough to consider as an add on will be a tall order but if you use your truck in the same manner as a gas powered truck, you will need to have more range

As a small business owner that deals with customers all over the country, I can’t just ingore calls I don’t know. Furthermore, most of these spammy calls mask the number and use a local area code. 

I’m sure it’ll perform better than their jack stands!


Don’t be thinking small. Think BIG. Think Continental. Think New Yorker. Think Delta 88. Tbink about all those smooth-riding malaise-yachts with 150 horsepower lumps. Imagine doubling or tripling the power of one of those things and gliding along in silent splendor...

You’re weird. I am also looking forward to this as well.