
Yeah, we have no problem at all building out internet infrastructure.

“In 2019, light trucks (which include SUVs) made up 72 percent of the market, according to Automotive News. That’s up from 57 percent just five years ago.”

How tall is Jason?

erin what happened to the morning songs?!

Have you seen how hard it is to get approval to build anything in CA, let alone a new power plant or trans lines?

Why is it you covered so many points about how to implement this executive order but you didn’t cover how to pay for it?

I see at least two issues here.

They can’t.

Reverse: a horror movie about a haunted Little Bastard traveling the US, killing people who have its parts and reforming itself until it becomes whole could be a fun watch.

Ford is in an arms race to make the truckiest truck that ever trucked or something!

Depends on the garage. I thought they were all the same and didn’t bother to measure the garage in our first house. My Tacoma wouldn’t fit, it was a few inches too long to close the door, so my wife’s Corolla got to enjoy garage parking while I was left out in the driveway for years.

LMAO. Sure. Go tell that to Peterbilt.

But how many lb-ft of TWERK?

1/2 ton, 3/4 ton, 1 ton; it’s all just an outdated naming scheme which is why you don’t really see manufacturers use it much anymore.

This reminds me of how every year Apple says, “This is our best iPhone yet.” as if technology is going to decline and they might accidently make a worse one. Of course this is the best F150 yet, does that really need to be said? 

Probably a significant improvement in towing mpg. I’d bet it’s 2-3mpg towing benefit. That’s a lot when you’re getting 8mpg vs 11.

Fuel economy. 

The in-bed 120V power center uses the hybrid system to power it.  This is really attractive to me as an RVer but I am not sure its worth the cost of admission.

The EB engines are short stroke and wide bore. They are higher revving motors by design. Is that ideal? Not sure. It’s just what they are. Toyota’s V35A that will be in the next Tundra hits peak torque at 1800 rpms. It’s a long stroke and narrow bore twin turbo v6. So it has the same displacement as the Ford EB, but