
1st Gear, Rivian’s response:

Currently if you buy a new car out of state it must be from a CA emissions compliant state. Otherwise it must be more than two years old and have at least 7,500 miles on it. Preumsably in 2035 the emissions would have to be zero so no new ICE would qualify.

Very reasonable.  Cue the knee-jerk reactionaries!

It’s a ludicrous and unsustainable goal. California already has grid problems, with routine rolling blackouts during heat waves. How are they going to deal with that even with only 50% of their cars being all-electric. While you can physically build a nuclear power plant in five years, you’ll spend another five years

What a logical take. Im sure you will get dragged for it. 

Well, you did click on an article with Harley Davidson in the title.

Gizmodo doesn’t choose the ads you see.  You choose the ads you see based, on the marketing information The Man knows about you.

The WSJ says that SUVs are almost half of all sales in many countries in Europe, so something has to give.”

2nd Gear: Newsom is an idiot. We cant power the state as is let alone with a bunch more EVs suckling at the electrical supply. They literally went through rolling blackouts for just a 2 week heatwave. How the hell in 15 years are the power companies supposed to keep up with demand. They cant build coal, natural gas,

I *think* to buy a car and bring it in to CA and get registered it has to have at least 7,500miles on the odometer.

I’m generally pro-forest. But, since it was slated to be cut and pulped anyhow, I fail to see the issue.

Okay, enough with the “Tesla is cutting down a forest!” sensationalism. They aren’t cutting down the Amazon, these are not wild trees. They were planted by humans in straight lines specifically to be cut down for paper products (as mentioned in the attached article). Yes, it’s technically a forest, but I guess “Tesla

More space lasers! Really! If one is ahead of the space junk in the same orbit and direction, then fires the laser at the junk at the right angle, the junk can heat up, and any atmospheric drag will slow it a bit. The photon pressure can also help a bit.

I wouldn’t call this an unprofitable concept, people have been making money selling cars for about 125 years. Stuff like Uber and Twitter being worth billions though...

The concept is clearly profitable,  but the owners are keeping the profits for themselves instead of allowing the business to show the profit. 

Carvana is a car dealer, not an OEM.

Neutral - Carvana isn’t a manufacturer selling new cars, Tesla is.
Big difference in new car dealership franchise laws/requirements and used car re-sellers.

I love it when the message is “Elon Musk is like the entire company that miniaturized transistors” or “Elon Musk is like both Wright brothers” or “Elon Musk is like Amazon, Netflix and every other successful internet startup put together”...

Well presumably if the price goes down enough (and density goes up, which goes largely hand in hand), you can squeeze more batteries into the car so that you get 250 miles in the winter too (and more in the summer).

Too bad it's on Apple tv.