
None of these things is happening.

Personally, I produce more methane than CO2 most days. I tell my wife, I’m doing what I can to keep the air green.

I’ll comment on the only worthwhile gear here:

To Orlove, anything that produces CO2 is horrible, including, I assume, fellow humans.

Raph and Eric became the same guy so gradually that I hardly even noticed. 

3rd gear:

3rd Gear: What’s the alternative to jets if Amazon wishes to maintain or even reduce shipping times? Next you’ll be criticizing someone for not using both sides of the toilet paper.  

1st gear, 3rd gear, 5th gear: Raph impressively demonstrates ZERO understanding of the topics at hand. It’s not just about opinion. He literally has no understanding of the underlying intricacies. This isn’t just bad journalism, it’s just childish blabber.

I don’t even like Uber or self-driving cars, but that take is fucking lunacy.

Green economy fantasies yet again crash hard against the shores of real economy facts. It’s gotta hurt.

For real

Calling investors who want to make money off their investments may be one of your worse takes yet, do you not know how investing works? 

Wow. For the first time ever, I might star one of the anti-liberal comments.

A Morning Shift finally hit 5/5 wrong takes, congrats all around!


*Cybertruck releases

Without the need for a grill, designers have to work with other elements to make it not look like a box on four wheels.

I really want that light bar to display messages backwards for rear-view mirror readablility.

LEDs, especially decorative ones like these, are practically “free” in terms of energy. The headlight units that actually light the road ahead will take up much more energy, but I’d be surprised if this light bar cost more than one mile of range.
