
Me two hundred miles into Colorado headed west on I70.

This image frightens me the most, and because of the weight distribution:

It is. The actual math is horrific on this one.

Isn’t this kind of a massive weight issue though? 7500 lbs towing is good...until the trailer takes up 4500 of that. Then you can’t even put a car on it anymore.  For a standard hitch setup, maybe a superlight tongue weight and a battery or two in the bed make more sense then adding weight to the trailer... A 5th

The cost would be a killer unless you absolutely use the trailer constantly. You’re talking a trailer that’s 10x as expensive. 

Methinks the trailer will be way too heavy. Unless.... you put motors in the trailer’s wheels also.   This would give the trailer extra boost when needed, and serve as regen units for braking.  This could actually improve trailer safety.  The trailer motor ecu would need great communication with the tow vehicle ecu,

How much would a battery equipped trailer cost? How much would it weigh? This looks more like an argument for an ICE truck if you regularly tow any distance.

Didn’t Tesla have an ill-fated experiment where they would swap out battery packs in less time than it took to charge your car?

Here is some fleet O&M cost data from New York:

Ding ding ding.

Even if they’re single gear they still have some kind of gearbox to get power from the motor to the wheels. Those gearboxes have to have some kind of fluid in them. 

Agreed. People thinking Ford is going to screw up the F-150 EV are nuts, IMO.

Clean hand review? Doesnt exist anymore. Even “peer” reviewed by everybody at this organization and this partisan BS would still get through. They all live in the same bubble. 


This article...

I think ford did a good job finding that happy medium with the Mach E. Other than the weird grill, it’s a perfectly normal (handsome, even!) looking crossover that could easily just be another turbo-4 powered runabout.

This. I don’t see the need for a EV F-150 to look different from a ICE F-150.

Neutral: I don’t see an EV F-150 looking like a regular F-150 to be a downside. People in the market for a F-150 probably aren’t considering an EV to begin with. Having it look just like the ICE version with maybe some different badging is probably the best way to go. That way it’s not too obvious to other people who

Ford is marketing the F-150 EV directly to fleet managers, and it will make Ford billions.

“While other electric pickups are competing for lifestyle customers, the all-electric F-150 was designed and engineered for hardworking customers that need a truck to do a job,” Galhotra told reporters”