
Counterpoint: I will never buy a vehicle I have neither sat in nor driven. And, to do those things, you have to go to a dealership.

If you are elderly or have health issues, by all means stay at home. We've flattened the curve. So people need to get back to work, because without a functioning economy, we'll have much bigger problems than the virus.  Just be smart about it. 

four of the largest U.S. states from California to Florida are not “distant.”

I have a beef with the headline that “rival startups are raking in cash.” Increased stock value is not the same as raking in cash. The company would have to issue new stock or sell stock from their reserve in order to “rake in” any new capital. While that may very well be the case, it’s not a given when a company’s

“On the other hand, it’s depressing how frequently these economic crashes are occurring.”

I work for an automaker. It takes 3-4 years to develop a vehicle if you do it right and don’t skip steps. I’m currently working on models that will launch in 2023.

Slapping Mustang on a pig and praying it’s sexy enough to sell just isn’t enough to get the referees of capitalism to like you.

Neutral: I really like the Rivian in the same way I like a lot of cool technology; its novel and stands out; but in reality I trust Ford a bit more. Granted, now that Ford has a massive stake in Rivian, it might be different sides of the same coin. With that said, I still have 3 years left on my Ram lease and I need

There is definitely a worthwhile market selling truck-styled automobiles to consumers who want to look like they are driving a truck.


On the other hand, it’s depressing how frequently these economic crashes are occurring.”

Second gear: I’ve stopped paying attention to the media in relation to Covid. There’s too much info that either doesn’t add up, or contradicts other things. While I don’t not think it’s a thing like a lot of these crazy ass people do ( I actually think me my mom and my sis had it in the beginning of February), I don’t

This is too reasonable. GTFO!

1. We’re talking about the #1 best selling vehicle of all time getting a trim/powertrain to bring it into the 21st century. Build the damn thing.

That’s a truck-shaped car for commuters.


There really is no excuse that a hybrid pickup doesn’t exist yet. Chevy had a fairly decent Hybrid Tahoe and sons all the way back in 2008 or so. It didn’t sell well and was expensive, but that was twelve years ago!  If Ford could use hybrid + their 2.7l engine to yield city miles in the mid 20s, and only charge a few


I’m more interested in the F-150 hybrids with integrated generators. Range and towing cancel each other out in an EV, but a hybrid that gets decent mileage, can tow, and can act like a generator? Winner winner.

Two years away? Nobody’s asking for a flying F-150, Ford. Just build the damn thing.