
They tried. But when they went to shut it off, they got the “do not turn off your car while update is running.” Two weeks later, the car is dead, the update never finished, some Russian says you must pay 1000 bitcoins for them to unlock your doors, and Microsoft says user support for that version of the software ended

Microsoft? Have they tried turning it off and turning it back on again?

With demand collapsing across the EV sector (Tesla’s so desperate to move S, X and 3 that the “we will never change prices” guys just dropped list prices across the board) it’s hard to see how this was VW’s “most important car in decades”.

Could be worse: you could have an iPhone.

I mean this just a phone photo

Depends on where you are. Connecticut’s positive test rate has dropped from ~40% at the peak to under 5% for the last week or so. NYC’s down from in the 60s to steadily under 5%.

My first thought when I saw this was I know this place. I was there. I took a photo from this spot. The Wild Goose Island view on St. Mary Lake is always incredibly beautiful but this photo makes it even better. No wonder so may people wanted to make it their wallpaper. If it wasn’t this good maybe we would never

Hmm. Well, my phone wallpaper has had a bug for well over a year.

The advocates for it tend to be pretty big on the whole “government can spend as much as it wants!” and less on the whole “you need taxes to soak up the money so you don’t get inflation”. Meanwhile, actually adjusting taxes in the US is a policy nightmare that’s extremely difficult even under the best of times -

The U.S. federal government can always make good on payments because it’s the only issuer of dollars.

They will probably be more like this:

Get in a Prius Taxi with dead struts going from LaGuardia to Mid-town being driven by a guy that has one pedal on the floor at all times and alternates between them. I figure the ride feels about the same.

$1100/month?  Dude. 

Who said these trucks would be moving across the country? How many Semi’s commute relatively short distances such as deliveries from distribution centers? I honestly not sure of the numbers, but I’m sure there is a niche to fill in the short term as they work towards long distance solutions over the next decade or two.

Unpopular opinion: The first Pic is one ugly vehicle and I'd rather have the f350.

FORD. I have a 2020 Lincoln Aviator Reserve. I like it, except a few fit & finish issues.

Neutral: I’m driving 200mi a day for work and I want a car that does this.

If there’s one thing we have learned from the Theranos debacle, it’s to only trust medical tests that sound too good to be true if they are endorsed by noted scientific luminary Jake Paul

I am completely shocked that something endorsed by noted Geniuz, mega Douchebag, soon to be Nobel Laureate, intellectual, member of the Algonquin Round Table, YouTube sensation and Future Emperor of Mankind Jake Paul would be a fucking scam.

advanced Silicon Valley technology