
Can I reply to this sentiment because I am honestly curious about this.

Planned Parenthood, of course, took care of all of my needs as a teenager when I came for birth-control… But they also did all of the prenatal for my first son and it was the best prenatal experience I had of all 3 of my pregancies.

The English line of succession is Charles, William, George, Charlotte, Harry...currently.

I get the outrage about the lack of diversity but if an actress wants to leave a show, why shouldn’t her character be killed? Am I missing something?

Heres a link to the wiki page but the above video and excerpts from it pretty much explain it just as well. Its kind of a subculture that rose from the internet that includes those who feel that they have been born as the wrong species entirely, this includes not only animals but mythical beings as well. There is art,

That is SO true about Lori Loughlin. Who is the real Lori? I certainly can’t answer that question. Mostly because she won’t stop catfishing me. Every time I meet someone online and fall in love BAM it ends up being Lori Loughlin just lolz-ing at my pain and heart break. I’ve told her all my secrets dozens of times (to

YES. Every time they showed Strange Neighbor Girl I laughed.

I hate the trend of having a fit over the trends of the moment and acting like your special because of it. There’s a sort of irony in this “I’m so above this, I don’t just do what everyone else does” that so fricking many people do. The trite culture of complaining about trite culture. If you don’t like it don’t do

THANK YOU I was hoping someone would bring Amy in <3

Now playing

I really loved this version on the Voice last night:

Social media/hashtag activism may not be the most effective of mediums for change but I loved the solidarity I saw for France on my FB feed. It reminded me the support the US got directly after 9/11.

I shop at Target frequently.

I live near Salem, MA. The downtown is full of shops that sell crystals and Wiccan charms. On the other side of the crazy fence are all the local conservative christians that won’t drive through there for fear of “lingering spirits”.

OMFG these pictures are fantastic! And your older dog has such an attitude! Awesome!

She looks so much like Lola, it’s amazing!

Poor Abby’s on a diet and she’s not a fan. This is her “get out of bed and feed me human” look.

oh my gosh! So cute! I call this one “Oh please, oh please, oh please can I have it?!”

Rat terrier - that’s interesting. I was thinking maybe Jack Russell for mine. But she has a curly tail, so I don’t know where that came from! Mine is right around 15 pounds, but the way she eats, she could easily be more like 25 too! :)

Ya it’s that unmistakable mix of hope and desperation.