As a born-and-bred NorCal girl, we may be suffering with a water crisis right now, but droughts don’t last forever - unless, well climate change...and then we’re all screwed. I love California <3
As a born-and-bred NorCal girl, we may be suffering with a water crisis right now, but droughts don’t last forever - unless, well climate change...and then we’re all screwed. I love California <3
lol agreed.
It for REAL has been white and gold for me all fugging day and then all the sudden it was black and blue. O_o Everything is upside down and I don't know who to trust anymore.
Oh yes. They haven't spoken since - lol.
I have a similar photo disaster as Mr. Bush (never thought I'd say those words) HOWEVER my wedding disaster is NOTHING compared to my poor brother in law. Buckle Up.
I might think The Californians was a funny skit If they even remotely sounded like they had *even exaggerated* California accents. They say all their vowel sounds completely wrong.
I do not think you understand this show. She actually is still a virgin, with a pregnancy induced by a screw up in a doctor's office = no sex.
HAHA I just commented that too!
Is Amy Adams supposed to be Christopher Walken?
legit tears from laughing so hard.
Last year, my mother was going to introduce us to her new (2 months-ish) boyfriend at Thanksgiving. My mom had come out of a decades-long bad marriage and was a touch love hungry and so had gotten pretty serious pretty fast with this man. However, they were holding on to some antiquated notion of not having sex…
As someone who has taught all 3 of her boys the proper names and now has to deal with the fallout of all 3 said boys yelling "PENIS!" at the top of their lungs in crowded areas...there's just no winning. HA! They learned early in life that the appropriate word for their genetalia got a rise out of almost every adult…
For someone who "wants men to leave her alone". Why is she doing an (albeit terrible) sexy dance in a bikini and putting it on the internet? There are MANY WAYS to take yourself out of the dating pool. Getting a 3rd boob wouldn't be one if them.
I actually liked #4...drop the slo mo at the end and I didn't find it offensive and actually enjoyed the message about fathers being super involved with the kids because too often we see the "hands-off, daddy's in his recliner watching sports" dad.
He may come off like a douche, but his food is good. We have both a Tex Wasabi and Johnny Garlic in town and both are delish...though The whole American BBQ-meets-sushi thing isn't as good as real sushi.
So, 1 in 4 Americans are idiots? That's a better ratio than I thought! HA!
This man leads a much more interesting life than I do. WHY AM I WASTING MY LIFE?!
9/11 and the following war and financial meltdown happened my senior year. Talk about disillusioned, what happened to the world I grew up in that made sense?
Wow, thanks for my dose of judgmental asshole for the day. I rarely get that from Jezebel!
X-Linked Hypo-Hydrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia runs in my family. 2 of my boys, who are otherwise perfectly fine, are in for a lifetime of dental work as they, in fact, will not have normal teeth. Thanks to google, when my first son was 2 and had only 2 abnormally pointy teeth, I was able to find a path to diagnosis.…