
I will give her that, she held her ground. I just can’t stand her so I judge her harshly.

I don;t know Megyn was eye fucking that camera every chance she got

I loved when Bill Maher tweeted he didn;t know what Trump would say was lazier....Mexicans or Scott Walkers eye

Pretty sure their entire MO is to convert Catholics to an evangelical faith. There is some pretty serious Catholic bashing that goes on in most of Ben’s social media accounts.

And then Kanye and I both reached a place where he would say really nice things about my music and what I’ve accomplished, and I could ask him how his kid’s doing.” Is little insult there....right there in that article.....or am I wishing it to be?

He also, obviously, never jumped rope as a child :)

Honestly when you get to be 50...your mind just automatically says “fuck that noise” and you really don’t care what other people think anymore. It almost makes up for the hot flashes :)

I so get it! And don’t try to hide the coffee in all kinds of sugary chocolatey pumpkiney goodness. It’s still bitter and smelly

Hi my name is Tracey ( Hi Tracey) and uhm.......I hate coffee. Hate the smell....hate the grounds....have only ever sipped it once and the bitterness was enough to turn me off forever. I uhm.......drink tea :(

Ugh I dated a guy who use to do this....he was the worst! Big Dick Big dummy

How exactly are they turning “the Prophet” into a movie? I too choose to ignore he who shant be named....

what the ever loving hell???

If Leah runs out of acting gigs I learned today that she would fit right in over at Lulumon.

Maybe it’s because he enjoys playing guitar that it was a concern. I play for my own enjoyment and I would be devastated if I could not longer do it.

And when people say “where do these women come from who marry incarcerated murderers” you know.

I worked for a jeweler back in the 80” know what we called “champagne Diamonds”...unsellable

7th heaven is back on the air in re-runs after only about 3 months being pulled off of TV (in my area anyway) so don’t applaud the networks too loudly yet.

God forgive me....he’s hot

I kind of like yeah you’re right

Ugh..... 38 is old.....God I give up