
I bet there are a LOT of people who had similar views during the election.  I wonder how many of them will admit that they were duped.

But what would you put on it.  Thats the problem... whatever you put on will not be as cool as the thing you come up with an hour after you submit your laptop order.  

I came to post exactly that.  have a star

Elfen Lied is basically an exercise in offence.  They push every, and I mean EVERY boundry that you have until you snap.  I was wondering why it wasnt on this list multiple times, and I also think Gantz should be for ultraviolence... plus Good ole Ninja Scroll.  Mecha should have FMP, and some iteration of Gundam. 

All these agains... and you forgot “Cloud will dress in drag again”

If impeachment went thru, it would be no different than him being ousted in an election.  He will still claim victory and refuse to acknowledge anything that goes against his rhetoric.  As the white house is government property, I am sure there is some way to get him arrested for tresspassing.  The question is, how

the other option is that Epic will just, you know, leave everything as a buggy, insecure, painful dumpster-fire... knowing that people will probably buy the game from them anyway.  

Yeah she is!

That is a really good point.  That is subtle enough that it could totally be a clue.

I think you are wrong.  Ceresi didnt want him in her bed.  She is using him as a cover for her pregnancy.  It serves a dual purpose.  It gives the kid legitimacy, and adds some control of Euron.    Her smirk when he said “Im going to put a prince in your belly” told me that I was right.  

Yep, thats the armor I usually give her too.  She is a great melee character, and she usually agrees with my character choices too.  

I am apparently alone in my love for Cait. Her story was engaging as hell, and legit sweet at times. /shrug to each their own.
I also went after Sera in DA:I, so maybe I have a type.

yep... we had several 6+ hour PoF wipe too... the monks went in trying to avoid the wandering pats so they could pull all of our corpses to one of the walls.

you entered on the left facing the entrance from outside, and trained the other side, which was left while you were facing the exit... unless you were trying to be a dick

when I think of EQ, 3 things will forever come to mind.

A Plague Tale: Innocence - this looks interesting

I had high hopes for Anthem, high hopes for Fallout 76, hell I had high hopes for ME:Andromeda.  I am having a hard time getting excited about anything anymore.  

I have high hopes for The Outer Worlds... beyond that, IDK.  Nothing looks interesting.

There is also no rule to prevent you from sticking a pencil into the eye of the person who ends up as the betrayer...

There is also no rule to prevent you from sticking a pencil into the eye of the person who ends up as the

former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, though fewally know his positions.”