“Releasing a finished product with no “big issues” should be the norm without absolutely huge day one patches and it’s sad that that’s not the case.”
“Releasing a finished product with no “big issues” should be the norm without absolutely huge day one patches and it’s sad that that’s not the case.”
He is too busy condemning “fake news” and tweeting to do that.
Heavy patches in the first month or so is fairly common. Even with a full-on QA team, things can still slip thru the cracks. Personally, I would rather have the initial, big issues patched out of the game before I play. 20 gigs is on the large side, but if you look at it empirically, it should only take 50 minutes…
Southpark did an episode a few years ago that had a similar thought process. Only video I could find, but it gets the point across.
Good on you!. Came here to say pretty much exactly that.
Some things still transferred from the other station tho. The computer records, the woman, and im sure a few more things.
The Shield was the first time I heard the word shit on FX. There was a scene when one of the detectives sees a female coworker he is interested in walk into the house of his rival late at night “You gotta be shittin’ me”
“Why is Liam sleepwalking,” I asked early in the episode, so I appreciated that it was mainly so he could steal Kassidi’s keys and free Liam.”
no no, we definitely have cable. if it isnt streaming tho, it is really hard to watch it while gaming.
ok, Ill hold it for you for one week, until your next paycheck.
Damnit, I watched Fellowship of the Ring the other night, was hoping that Two Towers at least would be added next month.
I hope you arent being sarcastic. I find that movie to be an extremely underappreciated gem. Kevin Costner being a massive dick is always funny.
I actually saw that. It was an amusing diversion. I tend to watch any zombie movie I can find tho, so I might not be the best example there.
Paul was hilarious. I will give it a chance.
I am WAY more excited for the team that is working on New Vegas.
one of the only things that would make me feel better right now is if the following happened:
“I don’t care that much that we never found out why Libby was in a mental institution”
I was going to make that joke, came here to type “if these are Kree, why arent they blue.”