
The sense of joy and accomplishment I got in that game by pausing it just right when the grenade blew up is one of my happy childhood memories about this game. I think i read about the glitch in an article in Nintendo Power. LOL the good old days.

You forgot something pretty major...

As a lifelong Denver fan, I want to know how everyone can justify wanting Romo in Denver. QB is not the problem here, not the main one anyway. The problem is that our O-Line cant stop a 2 week old puppy from cavorting his way past them to the quarterback... now you want to add a man in backfield that is arguably the

Yes, he isn’t “literally” Hitler. He is, however, mirroring Hitler’s rise to power in Germany pretty effectively. A groundswell of hate speech, nationalism, loud boisterous speeches, and isolationist/xenophobic policies are what he has currently brought to the table... sounds an awful lot like Hitler’s rise to

“There are kids in the neighborhood,” he said. “Why do we have to subject them to that?”


Rick and Morty, on occasion, is a very angry cartoon :)

Did that once... slid off the hood, planted my feet, car hit me, I did a backflip and landed hard on my back on the blacktop. good times

I will see your “Friend standing out the sunroof at 60" story and raise you “Wearing a paintball mask, with a cop behind me, who proceeded to pull me over, yell at me, and tell me that if anyone ever did that again I should grab their ankles and toss them the rest of the way out.” Good times :)

you get ALL the internets for that one.

Soy sauce you say?

when they pulled it to within 2 scores I read the writing on the wall... Sent out a text saying “When they pull this off, their fans will NEVER shut up about it.” For every self-satisfied Patriots fan out there I have one question... the same question that I, an avid Broncos fan, have gotten from you guys all

Remember, trump believes in “Alternative Facts”... basically anything that comes into his head is automatically true and incontrovertible. 

so do most of the people who DONT live near the border. what a fucking dumb thing to do... and because he CANT POSSIBLY be wrong about ANYTHING, of COURSE Dumbass-in-chief is still assuring the American Taxpayers that Mexico will repay any money spent.

wow... when you have no defense but to attack the opposition, you should really stop and think about that. trump is a nightmare for this country. I don’t much care for hillary either, but under her presidency I think we had the chance to survive for 4 more years. Every day trump is in power, we will be lucky if he

“That raises a range of potential objections. First, it unfairly forces a public figure—Trump, in this case—to respond to a set of allegations that might or might not be entirely scurrilous; the reporters, by their own admission, do not know.”

... crap you are right...
a year late on the post, but right all the same.

Ill just go ahead and disagree with you. I, personally, think that it would be top 5, maybe even top 3, but not #1. Dragon Age and Fallout are 2 series that I enjoyed more than ME. That being said, I am literally shaking with anticipation to play the new one... been waiting for a new game to dive into.

Uh, so recognizing social issues = agreeing with them? Since when?

I was more concerned with the way he threw him down than the taunting after the play... that was just bad