

Anyone who heard how the bullet entered and left his leg knew that it would eventually come out that she shot himself.

You, sir, get a star.

How was that not an unnecessary roughness call? That was a freaking suplex.

yeah, i was just thinking that myself.

you know what you have to do Mike... you have to eat the big sandwich.

You know what, in that situation, subjected to is correct. LOL I apologize.
I enjoy the stupid of that show. It makes me feel better about things in my life, and is cheaper than a prescription for happy pills. Is it quality TV... no. Is it amusing enough to watch when it is on... I think so.

Ray Zalinsky: Went a little heavy on the pine tree perfume there, kid?

Emerald Nightmare is FUN! If this is the quality that they are bringing to raids this expansion, I can see some of the hardcore people who quit returning simply for the raids.

a grilled chicken breast on a bun with a bit of lettuce, some bacon and a fried egg is just delicious.

I lol’ed

This whole stupid “spotter” position is doomed to failure, if you ask me. Think about it from the other side for a sec. You see Cam take that hit, and pull him out. The Broncos proceed to tear the hell out of the backup QB and put the game out of reach. Cam isnt concussed... now in everyone’s mind you just cost the

My main thru WoD was an enhancement Shaman, my main in Legion will be, an enhancement shaman. I cant tell you how many “Settle down in there” comments I have gotten from my girlfriend and I have yelled about smiting something with doomhammer. I still love to play enhancement, and its still just as strong and fun as it

Called it. Was in a discussion about the Cowboys early last week, said Romo would go down in his first start... didnt expect it to happen 4 snaps in, but hey, still called it.

Its a lamp!

The question is, would you go back to the carpet store?


ah.... yeah thats true. You can blow thru those starter zones in around an hour tho if you know what you are doing.
besides... the goblin starter zone is freakign awesome.

Also, a warning... you can do invasions in enemy areas, and mostly the guards will leave you alone... there is some weirdness with PVP flagging tho, and if you get flagged it is possible that you will die due to splash damage during boss fights, or to someone who is just attacking anything red on autopilot. Last night

My mage went from 9-42 in about an hour and a half yesterday. Also got my warrior from 94-100 yesterday. I think that Bliz put in the “cheat” as you call it to allow people to level up for the expansion... otherwise they would have patched it out where you couldnt restart the scenario.