
Or, if you want your fantasy a bit more now-centered, check out the Dresden Files. There are 15 books and numerous side-pieces and comics out of that universe, and the writing is tight and funny.

Just my 2 cents... but I say who cares. Watch the show if you enjoy it, read the books too if you enjoy them. They are different entities that share SOME plot points. You arent going to avoid spoilers until the next book comes out... so just go with it.

Meh. I call it a male soap opera. It is less about the “wrestling” (which is admittedly more entertaining than it has been in years, what with all the new talent that is coming in from NXT) and more about the story. There is, in my mind, very little difference between being hooked on the story-lines from pro

Also, on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero...

Also, on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero...


well if Villanova gets the snitch but they are 160 points down...

For XBone, if you preorder a digital copy of Quantum Break from the xbox marketplace, they will give you a free download of the windows 10 version.

For XBone, if you preorder a digital copy of Quantum Break from the xbox marketplace, they will give you a free

Maybe they took it out because its a blatant rip off of Borderlands 2?

You can insist on getting what you are due without being an asshole. What does any of this have to do with treating a bellhop like shit, or being rude to a maid? If anything, she should have been EXTRA nice. If I lucked into that circumstance, I would have been giving the housekeeping staff cookies weekly, and tipping

go back and play Fallout 2, Planescape Torment, or Baulders Gate. Then tell me top down doesnt do it for you.

I managed to track down the dev for this mod...

LOL indeed they are. Sorry, I hadnt had my morning caffeine yet, and mixed up 2 pictures in my head. LOL carry on

Why didnt you shop this onto female bodies.

IMO Both teams offered Brock more than he was worth as a 7 start QB that went 5 and 2. I dont think he was worth 16 mil a year, let alone 18. He should have gone for 12 or so, 20 mil guaranteed.

I KNOW HOW TO VACUUM MOM AND DAD, SUMMER! Ive been doing it for 6 months!

the original version of Star Control 2 had one as well

“When the parents reached out to the flight attendant about the emergency, ultimately delaying the flight, and explained their son’s dog allergy, the attendant smirked and remarked that there were dogs on every flight, and that they would need to get off the plane.”

Even if you buy it from Amazon, that doesnt mean you will actually receive it. I bought it for both PC and XBone midday yesterday... they pulled the funds out almost immediately but the order has been sitting in “Pending Verification” status since. I just talked to someone in their chat and they fed me that old “It

Even if you buy it from Amazon, that doesnt mean you will actually receive it. I bought it for both PC and XBone