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Had to post this. Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest SOB in space!

oh and FYI... best knife i have ever owned...

Man, this article is on-point. Really cuts through the meat of the issue and stabs at the heart of a touchy topic.

I agree with you. I kinda wanted her to start yelling at him, and him to just smile... thats how I thought it should have ended.

Tina Fey was awesome also.

As is shown by these replies, you do have fans. I love watching you fight, and cheer your wins. Keep putting the hurt on your opponents, screw the nay-sayers

I gave my (soon to be) sister-in-law’s kids baked salmon in front of her, only for her to tell me they didnt like fish... and have them both taste it and enjoy it enough for me to get them their own serving from the buffet. Sometimes the parent doesnt like a food, and just pushes that on the kid instead of actually


Misspelled the headline there..

Misspelled the headline there..

I am too old, crotchety and set in my ways to re-learn to drive a stick with my left hand. No thank you.

That being said, I wouldnt mind one of the new models. I like the look alot.

I am already uncoordinated. RHD would really mess with me. I am an almost 40 year old man, dont really feel like trying to learn to drive a stick all over again.

Nope... RHD is a dealbreaker IMO

I dont fit in this car with the top up. I just dont fit. A coworker had one and we had to put the top down for me to ride in it... same with my old roommate’s miata.

They named it Spartan, at least in my mind, because it uses Cortana to search stuff... its one big Halo reference

More action there than in the fight this weekend.

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I remember finding this when i was a kid... ah memories.

Like I said in a previous post. Tommen wants to fuck Margaery. He doesnt want to fuck the queen. Literally, what he said, what you actually quoted, is that he wants to bone every day all day... cant be king and queen and be permanent residents of pound town.

LOL Tone doesnt transfer. I wasnt accusing you of trolling, I was just expounding on my previous statement.

Jaime wants to fuck his sister... he doesnt care if she is a queen.