
Fuck. Yes.


Tremors is one of my favorites.... Talk about real reactions, this is exactly how I would have reacted if I had just killed a Giant man-eating worm.

Are you crazy? She would be a perfect Ellie.

Im not Dave, I am his great grandfather Dave the forth. Freak accident with a contraceptive and a time machine.

They wait in dark space beyond the galaxy to harvest all sentient organic life.

I am from even further in the future, don't listen to the second guy, the first guy was right all along!

3 holes... one larger than the other 2... first thing i thought was bowling ball also. +1

OK, didn't know that.

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ABBA was Ikari Warriors

I play for the same reason some people use drugs, jump out of planes, or build models. It relaxes me, allows me to communicate/interact with other people who share my interests, it is usually enjoyable, and it allows me to escape reality for a few minutes, to forget about work, car payments, rent, medical problems,

+1, great answer.

Yep... and reenforce the dumbass underlying theme of True Blood... Be normal if you want to be happy.

I think we all were. :)

i know... that was dumb.

Other way around. Sookie got it in the forest, then Bill fed from her.

I think you are wrong. They have been working to a Bill/Sookie finale. I think Fairy + hepV = Vamp turns human.

I dont think its killing him. I am convinced that it is curing him of his Vampirism. He and Sookie will finish out the series as humans, and together.