...and then we ran out of gas; we had to fly all the way back.
...and then we ran out of gas; we had to fly all the way back.
Here’s a scene from the movie 1941 to demonstrate
No one’s ever lovingly cared for a rental car. No one. They’re abused their whole lives, and you want to buy a used one?
I personally don’t like Harleys. But this is a REALLY bad decision. The vast bulk of their base are old white, Trump supportin’ men who think anything that’s powered by batteries are liberal snowflake-mobiles. Way to go Harley.... Can’t attract younger buyers and now you’re gonna’ piss off your biggest consumer.
I see the Ministry of Silly Walks has a cousin agency in the US
Are you sure that it wasn’t... you know... just weather?
Criminally absent:
Seriously? This isn’t common knowledge? Come on up to Canada, apparently you guys all need to be taught how to winter.
People will just drive without a license.
Honda Flat.
The headline made it sound like the train didn’t win, which seems plausible when we’re talking about a massive concrete beam. So I clicked on the video expecting the engine to get “obliterated” per the headline and... nope the train wins and it’s not even close. I’m going to show this to my son before when he starts…
😁made me laugh
The F-111D could fly at 100,000 pounds but could only take off at under 90,000 pounds. In Flight Refueling was the answer.
Thank you! I read that 3 times to make sure *I* wasn’t missing something so blatantly obvious.
Another thing to consider is the consumption of fuel. Because a jet engine burns jet fuel, it loses that 160,000 kg over the course of a flight, effectively becoming more efficient as it flies. The weight of batteries never leaves the plane.
I’d comfortably say that ejecting from one of these is accompanied by a auto-shutdown that overrides every other system on the plane, including the one that might not be letting him throttle down.