That sounded wrong to me as well, so I googled it. Then I skipped the rest of the article, because if they can’t get that right, I can’t really trust the rest.
That sounded wrong to me as well, so I googled it. Then I skipped the rest of the article, because if they can’t get that right, I can’t really trust the rest.
He got that wrong. Whiskey must be bottled at 80 or MORE
WOAH! That actually sounds even cooler than the stunt that was actually attempted.
I can state without any hesitation that I would never, ever buy a car with even ONE of these features installed.
Yeah, not sure how “green-screens exist” became an article....
My favorite is referring to a video clip as “footage,” because movie film used to be measured in feet.
Maybe I’ve just never used a good electric range, but I absolutely hate that you can’t dial in a temperature level accurately, they have to cycle on and off to maintain a set temperature.
The Goldbergs is That ‘80s Show.
if I reply to this with a Homestar Runner reference, will it betray the fact that I’m old?
Not the exact same situation, but the inverse is true too. I have multiple games in my ipad that don’t work anymore because they were never updated to work with newer iOS versions, and it fucking sucks. Don’t get me wrong, this is still Apple’s fault, they should include some way for these legacy apps to still work,…
Sure, and we can be snarky about her poorly made decisions.
The only thing more grating than the “save the manuals” crowd is the “I grew up with manuals and I don’t prefer ‘em, so no one should” crowd
“We’re not going to fall for the banana in the tailpipe.”
“Tokens are now practically worthless”
Dude, Where’s My Car? is underrated.
“This isn’t a house, it’s a ship!”
“While most of the world has settled on using a hard G (“gif”), owing to the word’s spelling”
My take as well.
Full size spares on trucks are normal tires with normal speed ratings, not space savers with low limits.
The distinction between the two is among the many things that the Simpsons taught me.