Tracer Bullet

So...  Agricultural Engineering?

Electric cars are heavy golf carts that cost too much.


This is the question I came to ask. Do the expat Buc-ees take the Czech cuisine with them?

Lincoln was just along for the ride. He was either going to be a scapegoat or a “hero” in the war that destroyed the Founding Fathers’ dreams.

Rest easy. The idiots are those wanting to ride leased rails at speeds that would damage the economy.

So... Great Emancipator or King Tyrant Robber Baron?

Guess who founded Union Pacific...

see ya later, eh?

build your own tracks and you won’t be stifled by priority freight.


Companies like FedEx ordinarily get rid of their delivery trucks when they hit their operational limit, usually around 350,000 miles

At the time we also didn’t understand how brittle the steel used for the hull became at North Atlantic temperatures.  Instead of bending and deforming without tearing, it shattered more like glass.

One thing about engineers... We never need to hear, “You were right.”

I don’t know...  Some people would rather be dead with money than alive without it.

Remember when the DC police tried to kill Bumblebee by cutting though a closed off, active movie set?

That is a seriously impressive stopping distance for a loaded double-stack.

Somewhere out there are a dress and a bunch of news papers that were dipped in “John Dillinger’s” blood.

Black boxes are fun.  You throw input at it to figure out what’s inside.