Tracer Bullet

The two purposes they seem to serve are:

As it turns out, all humans are allergic to oxygen.

So... those buttons and switches are labeled.

There’s no way to do this with the current dealership model.

...Also, don’t pick a random passenger. At least choose the seemingly most qualified. If we’re just drawing a random seat number that crying baby that’s already annoyed the whole cabin definitely doesn’t stand a chance to get us to a stop in one piece.

Every plane has landed... in one way or another. Successful landings are just controlled stalls really close to the ground.

Texas City’s first explosion was 2,300 short tons.

Needs a counterbalance.

I’m not giving you (the parents) a dirty look. It’s directed at your noisemaker.  I’m trying to teach the child early to shape the f*** up or the world is a nasty place.

Was a door in 1912 foam core?

Look at how well this wallet holds cigarettes and cushions Bubba’s thrusts.

As it turns out, FRED is already a thing.  FRED tells you if the consist has broken.

by then we knew what space is and that it is a thing to explore. How much dreaming of space travel happened before the telescope appeared in 1608?

Except it was science and technology that made the reality of space create dreams that turned into books and television shows.

Can’t eat ‘em...

Get on with it...

...but can you count to pi?

Seems backwards.  Art doesn’t exist without the science and math behind it.