Tracer Bullet

However, it cannot release the parking brake.


It’s not an “air-raid” siren.

If you can hear a horn over the sound of the engine, you aren’t Jaloping quite right.

WHAT!? You mean falling water transfers heat better than a large pool?

Pumping directly into the pipeline uses significantly less energy than mining.  Of course, I come from a place that had a direct conveyor from the mine to the plant.  No coal trains were necessary.

Not only are you neglecting line and conversion losses, there’s a storage fee, too.  Not to mention the amount of diesel used to mine the coal.


Miles per Coal Ton.  MPCT.

Ah 2001.

If they don’t see it, it didn’t happen.

The “unpaved roads” thing did it for me.

No, no, no. He simply visited the school as a Guest Speaker one day and it came to light that he had never been sorted... So they asked the Hat for his placement. For Ss & Gs.

You know what the CAN doesn’t control?

Billy West as Mario and half the characters?


He must’ve visited Hogwarts and they had the Sorting Hat out as a novelty gag.

We’ve done it. We’ve created the singularity.

One of my favorite things to tell people: