Tracer Bullet

It’s an older code, sir, but it checks out.

<<Looks at Tremec>>

Alternatively, you can book online directly with the hotel.

You know what works better than keys?

No, ma’am.

In the 1930's.

Even in the steam era there was both countersteam and counterpressure braking.

I don’t know why it’s not legal to treat a red light like a stop sign in any vehicle.

Much cheaper to just ride a motorcycle.

Anyone who disagrees with the controlled burn isn’t familiar with boiling liquid expanding vapor explosions, or BLEVEs (pronouned Bleh-vee).

Trains don’t use brakes down hills in the traditional sense.

Same reason you don’t give a 16 year old a brand new car.

If Soylent Green is the key to intergalactic travel, I’m out.

The humans that are 60% water?  They are allergic to us, too.

Didn’t that work in Signs?

Except Buick’s colors have always been Red, White, and Blue.

If they can’t read them, how are they making them?

22.04 LTS > Win11

The Mile Long Club.