Tracer Bullet

It’s either this or Imposterism.

Build the charger into the car.  Plug the car into a regular outlet.

Traincars, of course.  Pullman style.

Is this what you mean by “grinding gears”?

Maybe they had no concept of violence...  until now.

Anytime you incorporate an explosion into a musical score is a good day.

Instead we get crap like:

The value was that nearly every kid in America wanted to drive what the Super Bowl MVP was driving.

After extensive research on this topic, my favorte is something with a bed and a view. Like a pickup.  Cleanup is easy, too.


Mr. Fusion only powered the time circuits.

No commercials?  They didn’t even advertise what they did!

Naw.  Sometimes they go for two.

This reads like highway patrolmen are wildlife.

...a cost that was “way too steep for our residents and our wildlife... One highway patrolman died, struck as he directed a thick scrum of traffic.

The Pinto, of course.  Or would that make the explosions worse?

“Findeth thou a companion nigh”