Tracer Bullet

I’ve really only seen these in white or the occasional green, but this faded yellow is a joy to behold.

AI, please restore this fresco.

So let me get this straight.

Can’t we just put F^2

The diverging diamond.

you mean the headlights coming right at you?

They make the on ramp a drag strip.  Good luck if you’re in a semi.

Although... Acordion Death Metal might just catch on!

So computers don’t know how to relax or play swing music.

It’s “balls to the walls”.

Does Excel count?

my ICE has one fire per cylinder every other revolution.  At least it does when running properly.

right? maybe we should invent a new unit of measurement. Thousandths of an inch. We could also call it mil.

My Name is Earl

weird answer... not that I know of, but my great aunt and my paternal grandmother are both losing to some kind of dementia.

I’m definitely not a robot.

I’m a photohoarder. Print, digital... doesn’t matter. If it’s a photograph, I cannot delete it.

I’ll do my part by continuing to buy exclusively ICE vehicles.

If you stand at a grade crossing or under an overpass when one goes by with speed, the gearboxes make more noise. It’s an awesome eerie whine.