Tracer Bullet

They could also cover parking lots with more parking lots!

Metropolis won’t be public domain until next year.

Don’t rollerskate in a buffalo herd.

Have I got some news for you!

Some people believe Earth is flat, too...

A goggle gaggle.


or why there is a green handle on the station.

So this guy just has explosives on his desk?

My cat came to me the same way, but she sure knows how to tear something up with those rear claws. Her attack is to bearhug with the front legs and act like she’s on a treadmill with the rears.

I remember this commercial, and my dad saying, “7,000,000 points...  at 10 cents each, that’d be a steal!”

Tinder boasts of having coordinated more than 20 billion matches, and the numbers are growing every minute.

I’ve checked three of those off of my list multiple times.

Couldn’t they have just said, “three times the cheese slices and double the beef patties in every bite?”

Dead or alive, you’ll be part of the singularity.

How’d you get 17 Again mashed up with Hot Tub Time Machine?


Each ticket is 1 in 300 million, but assuming you get different numbers on each ticket, two tickets is 1 in 150 million, three tickets is 1 in 100 million. Three hundred tickets ($600) would be 1 in 1 million.

Passengers are cargo.