Tracer Bullet

Just indicates a design flaw.  Likely a scenario they overlooked, and now have a procedure for.  Just because something unexpected happened when nothing was broken isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  Space walks are 57 years old.  We’re still debugging.

Establishments that can continue to operate without a liquor license tend to be a little more relaxed with the rules. A bar/club gets its license pulled and that’s ususally the end of that establishment.

What’s that? Pascal’s Triangle didn’t make a difference? Hit it with the Fibonacci sequence. We’ll prove Collatz and Goormaghtigh somehow.

If by agree, you mean you are also against life-ruining punishment for victimless “crime”...  sure.

Since the truck is a dual-mode vehicle and the trailer is rail-only, that port-a-john is “the facilities” for remote track maintenance.

Twisters: The Storm’s Revenge - Twin daughters of the original 1996 storm come back to exact just revenge on the scientist that probed their mother. Why, exactly, nobody knows. However, amidst their squabble a Nazi train full of gold is unearthed.  Will they survive?  Who will bring home the uncovered riches?  It’s a

Wrong scale.

Yep, now everyone’s physiology is identical. Not knowing how alcohol affects your patient, and having observed 0.1 in many different people, I’d say it’s impossible to tell.

They recasted Hulk (Ed Norton -> Mark Ruffalo) and Col. Rhodes (Terrance Howard -> Don Cheadle).

So does responsibility attribution.

If they arrive at their destination without incident, how do you call it “unsafe”?

Is this a new thing because I’m pretty sure I came up with this idea 25 years ago in my ENGR 111 course.

They missed a huge opportunity using lemons...

That’s bad data.

There are a ton of time travelers on TikTok, and every one of them is really from the future and every prediction they make will definitely come true.

And don’t let moose lick your car.

Aim for the front of the deer.

Better!  It’s full of useful items that have experience.

Sleepy is worse than drunk, but where is the call for lynching anyone who drives tired?

So you’re saying my junk drawer is my new retirement plan?