Tracer Bullet

It works on my car, too.  As long as I’m moving the rain pretty much clears itself as long as it’s not a torrential downpour.  In those cases you can’t see past your hood (bonnet) anyway and shouldn’t continue to drive.

Ironically, according to that photograph, the building, acting as a barrier against runoff, is what is making the soil erode away.

Well, for one, you don’t clear water off of your vizor with your hand.

Seems like they are making daylight saving permanenly terrorize the roads.

How about:

If I’m part of the FSD beta testing, I want to know how fast I need to run away when i see one of these cars nearby.

How exactly is it Chick-Fil-A’s fault that people can’t drive courteously?  Is it really that difficult to not park on a major thouroughfare?  It’s too busy?  Come back later or go somewhere else.  It’s not like they are selling heart medication and insulin.

Can you build a car vending machine on top of an automotive shop?

This is why you gravity drip gasoline directly into your carbuerator from a bottle hanging on your rearview mirror.

Is it ironic that they were banning people from their servers for exchanging real money for Gil back in the late aughts?

Came to post just that.  Take the star.

Don’t worry too much. You don’t exist.

You’re missing a big one: The subconcious-mind theory.

Without the universe, there’d be no Women’s Suffrage.

A 4-legged electro-mechanical people carrier you say?

that 2018 probably isn’t on 15" wheels though.

you should see a C10 next to a Silverado 1500

1970's you say?

Oh, so it’s just an intercom...