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Pot Psychology! If there were just one more, I could die happy.

I’ve always been who I am; I’ve just shared more over the years. I know that makes me unlikable to some people, but I’m not here to make friends.

Wow, this brought me back. Also, I miss fourfour, when Rich wasn’t as pessimistic.

To be fair, the dead don’t generally try to get their stolen civil rights back

Pam Bondi: “I was defending the constitution”

Hey, you know what else is bad for small businesses? Gigantic chain like Home Depot that move into mid-sized towns and drive those small hardware shops out of business.

I feel like you have to be really hard-line to get anything across to Sonja. Because if you give her the tiniest scrap of positive encouragement, she’ll hang onto it for dear life and reject everything else you’ve said.

Yeah some people are bagging on Bethenny hard for her treatment of Sonja (mostly people who had Bethenny for breathing), but I thought she handled it really well. She was matter of fact, to the point, and refused to be swayed by Sonja’s attempt at manipulative tears. Sonja was as transparent as cellophane last night.

Dorinda Doris (that is her real name, right?) lost me last year when she was so shitty to Heather Thompson.

That scene with the psychic told me everything I needed to know about why Dorinda is with John. She’s so terrified of being alone after her husband died that she’d have started dating the first person to show her any kindness. Add in that they probably have fun together while drunk (and I know several unhappily

9 times out of 10, I’d agree with you that John instigates the arguments but last night, that was all Ramona. John had every right to want to kick Rey out of his party. Rey was drunk, creepy, making a scene and had already run off an alleged friend of Ramona’s with his creepy behavior. Dorinda was right that John’s


Bethenny's icy meeting with Sonja was cringe-worthy, but I had respect for Bethenny for putting Sonja in her place, because she obviously knew what she was doing by copycatting that brand of wine. "You can't be dumb and smart at the same time."

No one is even trying to stick to the theme.

:( We need a grey amnesty day.

Big fan of how he attacks her for being in a coffee the same time he was in the coffee shop.

Doesn’t Sonja’s talking head kind of look like it was shot in Monica and Rachel’s apartment?