
I clicked on this thinking, “Yeah, right. I’m sure it’ll just be an electric motor or something.”

Nah, Erik’s “disclosure” was disingenuous trash meant to shut down any possible disagreement or discussion about his article. It was smug nonsense. It was the height of bad faith and should not be defended, whatever possible merits were in the actual article. It specifically tried to not challenge anyone’s opinion. It


Oh that shit is long gone. This is a political platform wearing an automotive enthusiast dress. If you don’t like it, gtfo.

People are clearly divorced from reality these days. This article & the comments it has spawned are evidence of that.

Sadly, this site’s authors care much more about political statements than what’s listed in the About section. The humor is getting chucked out the window, too.   Wasn’t that long ago when Jalop was this:

 So audit the numerous road construction firms and their contracts to see how badly they’ve been bilking the state and federal governments for the last X years?

Consider the author. Logic isn’t a strong point.

Te entire argument that increasing taxes will fix ANYTHING without reform into how tax money is used is exceptionally flawed. 

Wait... you're going to accuse the poster of being delicate when the AUTHOR said to close the tab if you don't agree with him?  That's some seriously twisted logic.  

I hadn’t really read the Drive, but I think I’ll switch. This website that I thought was for enthusiasts, is nothing but people smelling their own farts and down-nosing anyone different. Thanks for the rec!

Seriously, though, California has the highest gas taxes in the country and its a Utopia! Lol, who the fuck knows where California’s gas taxes go, but they keep going up and now they’ve raised them to offset the improvement costs to host the upcoming summer Olympics in LA. (But it’s only the GOP’s fault according to

Know what would be a good way to find infrastructure? Use the trillions of dollars already being taken for things that matter. Schools, roads, etc, instead of giving it to foreign countries, funding the Kennedy center, creating grants for bullshit things like the device that reads your ass print.

Sorry that you’re so delicate that you can’t handle discussions or topics that challenge your opinion, or why you may own a shitty giant truck for no reason.

Full disclosure: This is a blog for people who are interested in paying taxes for a better society. If your idea of a good country is one with zero taxes, then please close this tab now, there’s nothing for you here.

Michigan’s is already plenty high, thanks. Hardly any of it seems to go to the roads. Raising it will likely make no difference, our roads will still suck.

Longer comment: why are you asking for more taxes, rather than asking for reform to how the taxes are used? The entire argument that increasing taxes will improve road infrastructure is contingent upon belief that tax income is used efficiently. I promise you this is not the case.

Jalopnik: “Drive Free or Die”

This is effectively a punitive tax on the poor. Guess who can afford Teslas and new hybrids and stuff? Oh right, well-off people.