How dare you sir, how dare you! Its all about character assassination and nothing else. /s
How dare you sir, how dare you! Its all about character assassination and nothing else. /s
1st gear: It’s almost as if the Trump bashing was the primary focus of this instead of actually, you know...reporting the facts. The headline is misleading and frankly, directly contradicts the source material.
I’m still on the fence about the “owing it to them” part.
“Things are funny only if they make fun of the people and things I hate” - Stephanie Williams.
Probably should have called it a Thunderbolt. It has brand history, and implies electricity and performance. It’s been dormant long enough the younger generation wouldn’t tie it to the Fairlane of old, and the older generation would probably think it’s cool to see the name back.
You know you’ve been warned when someone has put in that many new parts and still bails on the project because they “found a better one”. Eek. No thanks, I’ll keep looking.
yeah but that one’s fucking gross.
Which side is the “wrong” side here?
The US Federal Government, in cooperation with the Federal Reserve, is pleased to announce another round of corporate lottery winners, cherry picked from the biggest donor list of friends whose companies need no welfare but dammit they’ll get it anyway, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars each!
“Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.” - Frédéric Bastiat
Do the math. There are 153,000,000 working age people that actually work. If the plan is going to cost $454,000,000,000 (government money comes from tax-payers)...those working people are going to have to shell out roughly $3,000 to get a $3,000 rebate. God that is a wonderful plan.
Maybe Schumer could first do some road infrastructure projects. Trump wants to do them and Democrats like spending the money. Oh wait that would be bi-partisan cooperation for the benefit of the people. Chucky wouldn’t want that.
1st gear: Infrastructure over incentives. Take that money and upgrade the power grid and build out an interstate charging network. If you build it, they will come.
“The plan would be key to reducing the impact of climate change enriching those with influence over the government.”
Neutral: When you consider the environmental impact of manufacturing the original ICE car, scrapping a perfectly good running OBD2 car, and then manufacturing another car to replace it, this program has nothing to do with “saving the environment”.
1st gear: This isn’t helping the problem. Taking reliable vehicles off the road and building new ones to replace them that are powered by coal and natural gas isn’t exactly a step forward.
454 billion? Can we fix the roads and schools first.
“the anonymity of the pre-internet, pre-facial recognition cameras era is truly terrifying”
Helpful facts for people that aren’t into motorcycles: