
Wait, which one of them is the tire? The arrow isn't clear

3.2: Number of Cents paid to factory worker for making said Nike shoe.

Sounds like he really dove deep into this isshoe.

why would u do this to me

I feel bad for Zion’s knee. But this is tremendous content.

The sad thing is how obviously stupid his story was from the get-go. But the woke warriors put aside all common sense because they wanted it to be true. MAGA dudes recognizing a 3rd tier actor from Empire. Lol. The only way the story could have been better is if he claimed the the guys had yelled, “Arent you that

Yeah I mean I was starting to think he got attacked but oversold what happened to garner sympathy but fuck man if he actually plotted this shit it’s just insane and frankly I’m fascinated by why someone would do this, especially someone in his position with everything to lose....stay tuned maybe more weird shit will

I heard that he thought/knew he was being written out of the show

I did think it odd that racist fuckwits would even have heard of Empire, let alone recognize a minor character from it. So now it looks like a big cringe all round. I almost feel sorry for the guy

What kind of man concocts this, carries it out, looks on as half of showbiz publicly supports him, then goes on TV and doubles down on the lies?

Given the cost of weight to spacecraft, I fear someday space travel will be the most claustrophobic commercial experience available

Putin ordered Trump to vacate the treaty and Trump bowed his head and obeyed......

Have you not met rich Russians in the United States? He’ll be cringing at the *LACK* of gold.

Ha! I guess you can’t burn down a dirt lot.

Answer: Every fucking 17 year old with even the loosest grasp on how social media works. This is some top notch trolling.

The Pelicans have merely joined the upper echelon of vindictiveness and malice, long occupied only by geese

One of my favorite parts too - but Nantz actually suggested it first; and *then* Tony was all, “YES! Great call - Andy should absolutely call a timeout here!”

I’d agree with all of your points here. My thoughts the whole time were “Why isn’t this guy getting paid even more to be a coordinator?”, but you’re right, he wouldn’t have time to communicate what he’s seeing pre-snap.

Best Tony prediction of the night had to have been “If Andy Reid is smart, he’ll call the timeout here”

Any buyer that tries to haggle price before looking at the vehicle is a waste of the private sellers time. Doesn’t matter if it’s text, email, or call.