
Well, a few days ago Milo Yiannopoulos told his followers to start gunning down journalists. Obviously we don’t know who the shooter is at this exact time, but if it turns out there’s a connection to Milo, it’s about time to launch that piece of shit into the fucking sun.  

Wow, gun violence AND an assault on a free press all in one? It’s like the conservative dream. 

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

What I’d like to know is why no one can sit through a 90-120 minute movie anymore? Every time I go to the theater, it’s a non-stop parade of people getting up to ... ??? Go to the bathroom? Get more snacks? Sometimes it’s the same person, multiple times. I swear this is not an old-man-yells-at-cloud thing (tho I do

Now playing

Apropos of nothing, SVG will fuckin surprise you. I play regularly, and I’m pretty sure he could beat me one on one (for those who haven’t seen this)

If you love strip malls its the greatest city in America.

No. I just moved away from that dumpster.

I mean other than the complete lack of public transportation, the 300+ days of summer (plus the 100+ days of super-sayan summer), the weekly industrial fire/explosion, and occasional devastating’s ok

But her name is Alberta and she lives in Vancouver...Lebron’s going to the Canucks!

This is exceedingly good news for the Raptors, then, because I heard a rumor that LeBron’s girlfriend lives in Canada. You wouldn’t know her.

he does not like Houston as a city.

Remember the Turkish massage? The one where they twist and turn the body in all sorts of unholy positions, great stuff.

Am I the only one who had no idea who the hell that guy was?

Every solid front axle Jeep deserves a wave. (And also the IFS Wagoneer and Jeepster of yore).

I think the article conflates two distinct genres of movie. The Passion of the Christ (like The Robe and 10 Commandments, or more recently, stuff like Heaven Is For Real) isn’t a distinctly “Christian” movie. It’s a Hollywood film, made by a normal production company, for a general audience that’s expected to include

How many times do we have to liberate the French? HOW MANY TIMES?

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson................welcome to the resistance.

Jalopnik is PRINT MEDIA. If you want to tell a story on print media, PRINT it.

Can we opt for the budget Fiero-based version ?