
Something over the top is said, somebody wants to walk saying it back. Not sure if giving Sow the right to take it back pre-publication is or is not the right way to go. Tell me that quote wouldn’t stick in your mind if you heard it? Sow almost certainly said it. Allowing her to finesse that prior to publication might

Here in Orlando, we’re saddled with a lovely newish arena that was approved/financed way back when Dwight Howard was “Superman,” sold a bill of goods co-ownership deal by the pyramid scheme Amway Devos clan. Which has been so cheap and inept they once hired a minor league hockey guy as GM and burned through coaches

“Tonight, on a very special ‘Blue Bloods!’”

Great job on the video. But it’s as disingenuous of you to protest “without any activist intent” as it is pretending this is anything other than extending your traffic on the video itself.

Moving to the Dakotas from the South in the 1980s, I was startled to see the racism one saw on display in Dixie transferred to Native Americans in a place without enough black folks for that form of bigotry to be practical.


Fair shot at “Fixer Upper,” their Waco-fication of interior design has been appalling. But as the school marm always said, “Please forebear from ever using ‘forebearer.’ Not widely accepted, on the outside fringes of a real word.

“Wrestling Media.” LOL!

Dollars to donuts he’s been about as close to combat as a REMF in Racine.

Considering Asia’s Dad, that’s pretty damning. Parsing the tit for tat here isn’t going to do either of them any good. Argento almost certainly used her sexuality to get ahead, which doesn’t lessen the horror of her Harvey encounter. Breillat does what a lot of filmmakers believe is necessary (probably not) for

Yeah, the hype was always going to make him/Them vulnerable when people got killed. I assumed it would be SpaceX (one bad accident away from oblivion), but Tesla was always going to get first crack at hurting someone. When you’re pushing a “Perfect Future” as your vision and attack anybody who points out you’re not

Tiger Woods is a walking, Nike-clad reminder that golf has done a piss-poor job at hunting for PEDs, a regular House “Intelligence” Committee “We don’t want to know” of letting a petulant, “rules are for everybody else” juicer take over the sport, all for the sake of TV ratings and Buick bucks. Grateful, at least,

Golly, when I want truly uninformed “criticism” by...whoever you choose to give the free pass to this week, I turn to the stylings of the Gizmodo Media wannabes. Worst crap writing on movies on the web.

Said the jackwad who A) doesn’t live in Florida or B) know what other states’ gun laws are like. George Zimmerman? Is that you?

This won’t pay off. Their stores are like socialism’s idea of a hardware store — so many employees you can get help finding stuff, helpful instructions, help. That’ll be the first thing that goes away.

While we’re laughing at him, the wingnuts see this as the repeal of Roe v. Wade, the whole reason closet case Mitch stole that Supreme Court seat, the justification of 63 million assholes have for voting in a treasonous, looting incompetent.

‘Holy Shit,’ as in the LAST one worked out so well? Mediocring her way to the top, Ratner style.

By necessity, you’re blowing off some pretty serious NCAA violations to create your struggle against adversity/feel good story. He’s a cheater.

The Jimmy “The Greek” of our times.

He’s the new Tarkanian. Not a compliment.