
Great job speaking on behalf of white America and POC America. Momma must have been popular.

Syracuse didn’t earn their way in. At all. Pity about the worthies that get to sit this one out because of that. Bet the Feds have been looking at them, too.

Any word on the post-round drug test?

They just concluded their best season of the show. But man, on their last mega-trip, you couldn’t miss how high mileage all three are starting to look. Positively creaking along. Not sure the business model works, if they’re covering their cost to Amazon. The end is in sight, in any event.

The way the film embraced the widely discredited portrait of the “Errol Flynn” character (Timothy Dalton), movie star/Nazi spy, is one reason this lightly charming film probably deserves to be forgotten. The way Disney packaged its leading man as dating his leading lady was another. Very...Kevin Spacey-ish.

Yeah, this is how we ended up with a dipshit TV star as “president.” “Famous” equals “popular” and “admired.” Props to DW, but seriously...

The NBA getting more aggressive about connecting with high school kids and juicing up the D-leagues seems like the best solution. But that’s just for college hoops, which really doesn’t need the one-and-done fast-track-to-the-NBA “stars” to market itself, not as much as the NCAA/CBS/ESPN think. And that leaves out

“This once”? Come come now, proofread.

Either he screwed up, or he’s prepping the follow up. The latter seems a lot more likely.

Love a year when Dook and the Tarholes get their just deserts — repeatedly.

Which “jurisdictions” are you referring to? You speak nonsense, as tens of thousands of people who lose their dwelling place to fire, flood, hurricane, or simply rent a room upon moving out between leases, mortgages or spouses can attest.

Lorde gets points for playing like “It’s my first time.” When as the picture PLAINLY shows, she used to watch Magic — in college — back in Kiwi Country.

“Worst dealership networks” sums up my experience. Rude, almost abusive sales force, especially the deal closers, dishonest and incompetent service departments. I had a Kia, got a taste of three Orlando dealerships in the process of buying and owning it, and swore “never again.”

I am reading this on Saturday night with a glass of wine. Made from sweet grapes, not sour. Make a note of that. This reads like a petulant tantrum. Yahoo’s stories need A) more than one “source” and B) other media advancing it, moving it along. But that one source has already cost Sean Miller his career, so it’s a

Yup, the NCAA is the real culprit and the right focus of this. Their reaction to UNC, Syracuse and MSU, “Gosh, what can we do?” has tainted a decade’s worth of titles. Just for starters.

“Doesn’t quite stick the landing” is a good starting point. Spoils the “suspense” by telling the story in flashback, underwhelms in the frights and “creep you out” factor. Funereal, gloomy doom-laden, mysterious and cryptic and...meh. There was more “love” in “Ex Machina.”

Well, at least she was “safe” for your ridicule. The Winter Games are rife with “just want the glory of participating” Caribbean, Tongan and African teams which revel in the experience but, in a results-sense, have no business being there. Find a white woman you can safely mock and she can stand for the shirtless, the

What this is illustrative of is Deadspin/Gizmodo’s collective (narrow staff demographic and real world media experience) naivete about taking a gratuitous shot. It shouldn’t have passed publishable muster even had Wendy’s not been an advertiser. The fact that they are is more a problem of optics.

Yup. Seeing those comments even from those who have seen the movie. I was more bothered by having a British actor play a CIA agent to balance the “American villain/American good guy” contortions of marketing/pandering. And the funereal, stumbling WPT pacing. “Wakanda People’s Time?”

What’s required, if this is going to be your go-to cause, is throwing reporters/resources at this story yourself and not just aggregating. ESPN is almost all alone. The local paper is not staffed to get serious about digging, the Detroit papers are a shell of what they once were. Short of the Post or the Times diving