
That lady in the cover photo, that cross drawn on her forehead is akin to a white flag. As Russian money may be backing the NRA’s political stranglehold on the country, we know who she’s waving that flag at.

Your glass house dig explaining “book” to the Tarholes suggests a classic Dookie lack of awareness. Let’s hope State vanquishes UNC and Dook beats a hasty exit, as Old Man K is recruiting class-skipping One and Dones who don’t stick around long enough to tune in to his barking, save for the despicable Grayson types.

“She?” First pronoun reference indicates this is your first Russian “Valeri.”

Amusingly, I noticed that The Sporting News is taking a similar tack. Against the grain, appeasing SpartyNation, etc. As for Izzo, he’s flat out Boeheiming this, bulling/stonewalling his way to a “This’ll all blow over, kiss my ass” resolution. He won’t be brought down by MSU, or the NCAA even. Just 25 women getting

When my favorite Thai, Japanese and Mexican restaurants went down this ugly path, I had an epiphany. I think the damned TVs are there for the staff. Each of these places was very popular, rarely did you see an empty table. They could have feared losing that edge to the competition, which already had TVs. Adding TVs

Wow. Wow. wow wow. Anybody defending Simon last week should resign. For starters. Not just wrong or wrongheaded, but twisted and evil. Time to move these NBA’ers in training to Mark Cuban’s “D-League that matters.”

Now that ESPN and others are reporting the basketball and football abuse cover-ups were a part of President Simon’s legacy, maybe Fox will be forced to open that can of worms, which the entire Murdoch empire is loathe to acknowledge. Izzo and Dantonio implicated? Death Penalty time.

A) She’s a GD heroine, she is. Thanks for reminding us of that. And B) remember when injuries and eating disorders were reason enough to talk your daughters away from gymnastics? I have yet to see a good story on gymnastics parents who didn’t exactly protect their kids from this. The fact that Nassar didn’t get the

Lemme guess. Home schooled?

“The kid” was already in trouble with team rules when this popped up. They knew something was up re: the car. But good luck getting the NCAA to dig deep, or sports journalism to uncover what KU knows/suspects. His mom wasn’t driving a car probably provided by an agent. He had guidelines, and whatever her input, if

NYC isn’t DC. Yeah, it should be free, but best case scenario, it’s super cheap. How about a fee structure that allows the Gpublic in for $5, IF THEY CHECK THEIR PHONES (tipping optional)? Want to take your phone in to be that asshole who takes photos and selfies in front of the art (That isn’t you in the cover photo,

I have a wallet full of passes to AMC cinemas, not purchased by me or given as gifts, but “Please leave and stop complaining” passes from botched AMC movie showings all up and down the southeastern US. They had to post “Jedi” notices because people are used to crap going wrong at their screenings. It’s easy to assume

Shocking club head speed and ball speed over 41? Steroids or HGH this time?

Nah. They’ve played a very tough schedule, but should have blown out Texas and Indiana. They’re a dominant team that’s “fun” because they’re not dominating...yet? Not buying it. They have their pick of the best of the best every year, and it’s not fun to root for Satan.

I had a Cooper and an S, and drove the crap out of them. But the elephantiasis infecting the brand is as big an issue as their ongoing reliability problems. They’ve grown progressively less “mini,” and while that might make the electric switchover easier (It is a big-assed car now), I had to walk away (stooped over)

Hobby Lobby, without a doubt. Every Michael’s issue and complaint, with stacks of the owner’s self-mythologizing BS book stacked near the registers.

Miami may be the easiest team in the country to hate when they’re winning. Insufferable showboats. But as Alabama has proven, being the team everybody hate has its benefits.

The only “human” to empathize with was Grandpa Harry Ford. The closest thing to a replicant “If cut, do I not bleed?” moment comes in the opening scene, and isn’t remotely as affecting or emotional as Rutger Hauer’s dying speech in the original. No romance, no rough justice for the villain. Seriously, how does