
Can’t credit the original Times expose for chasing him. It was their relentless, haranguing follow-ups with every advertiser — “Why are you still supporting this show?” — that kept the story alive and made Fox dump him. He earned it, nobody deserves it more, but they had to be willing to cross that line to make him

“Payed”? And that’s not the only reason you should proofread/edit this.

Stick a fork in those lying liver spots. He’s done.

I think the documentary about the Barkley is about as close to this as any runner, on his or her best day, would care to get. Murderous, frustrating.

Apt typo, “Toilet.” Snort. As Freud said, “There are no...typos.”

As Smithsonian Magazine paintstakingly debunked the “eating a sandwich” legend, and the NY Times piece you linked to utterly deflates the “haunted car” tale (“in a museum since 1914" doesn’t allow for other owners/deaths, or the car’s destruction during WWII), perhaps you should refer to the entire premise of this

Yeah, it’s funny how snark dissipates like a hipster’s latest exhaled vape when you actually research, consider and meet the subject of the sneering. Met her and interviewed her a few times, and while there’s a pre-Paltrow pretension to some of her mercenary dating and that silly Shakespearean name, she seems serious

Wouldn’t believe a word of spin out of her mouth. Susan S. has devolved into a self-righteous, Don’t Question Me, imperious attention whore in her dotage. Her smug “I was right, wasn’t I?” dismissal of Colbert’s softly pointed questions about her Shrieking Harpy Tantrum over Bernie losing was the epitome of spoiled,

Solid B, B+. LeBlanc needs writing help, Harris is trying too hard for the bonhomie badge and Rory is still shocked to be there. But they’ve got a wide demo break with the team, unlike say “Top Gear America,” a pedant (Harris, again trying too hard), an enthusiast and a deadpan bon vivant. Reviews are a bit too

As the actual reviews are mixed to middling — it’s funny — nice cherry picking job there.

Billy Graham did this, with an edict going out to his staff that neither he nor any of his inner circle were to be left alone in a room with a woman. It’s an appearance thing more than an intention. Odd, but if MLK or JFK or Bill Clinton had similar credos, we’d have less complicated views of them.

Ryan is what Frank Rich famously pinned on Newt Gingrich, “a stupid person’s idea of what a smart person sounds like.”

A few auto-bonafides in Fichtner’s film credits, a Steve McQueen pic coming up and “Entourage” and “Mom” suggest he has a lighter side. But as a fan who has reviewed scores of his movies, I’m still having a lot of trouble envisioning him in this role. Still, we associate Matt LeBlanc with comedy, and he’s not proven

How does SI For Kids “hire” its “reporters?” A circle jerk of children of connection and privilege getting that leg up on life that say, people named Geist and Goelich and Bryzenski and Russert and Wallace find their way into Big Media. They’re right to grouse. Decent question, but “cute” is apt.

Because Trump hasn’t signed over the U.S.S. Nimitz. Yet.

Old episodes, all over Youtube. Very British. Edumacate yourself.

This is making me cry. Jesus. It’s been obvious Velocity was pushing the show more in the gimmicky “meathead” direction. Less hands-on, “here’s how you’d manage this” and here’s the way to do that stuff. Staggering number of shows that do the same thing, this is the only one that gets at the literal nuts and bolts.

That tiny window when the Bears might have rid themselves of Cutler years early should have been McCown’s moment. They didn’t see it, and it never really happened for him.

You’re setting the bar awfully low, dear.

And “women” (same racial/age demographic) elected Trump. Neither accomplishment is anything to be proud of.