He’s Coach K without the polish. Self-righteous, prickly. And past his expiration date.
He’s Coach K without the polish. Self-righteous, prickly. And past his expiration date.
For a minute there, I thought you were about to Yuengling another beloved beer for me.
Hilar-de-har/har to read after opening day. UNCW had 4 really good minutes, and hung tough with a middling team on an off day. Minnesota sucked. And so on...
You had me at “Medill” and “George Remedial Reading Martin.” Greenberg? A fair cop. But Julia L.D.? Come on. That’s over the line.
A) Shonda Rhimes’ creations are the worst — dramatically laughable, Tyler Perry obvious in their manipulations. Yeah. B) Trashing something you haven’t seen, just because it’s a phenomenon in flyoverland is juvenile. C) You’re posting this on a website that still thinks that under-budgeted pseudo-sociological drivel…
Maddow has been very good at not getting off topic, being distracted by red herrings. Before now. This is “nothing to see/stop talking about Russia and possible payoffs-quid pro quo” — a non-starter.
Hutchence. Not Hutchinson. Let’s keep our auto-erotic asphyxiation fans um, straight.
Davis was a bug-eyed Poe-foreheaded pocked gargoyle. Different standards of beauty, different makeup/lighting aesthetic. But women with character in their faces had long careers back then — Hepburn, Davis, Crawford, Stanwyck, Gardner.
While your premise has merit, you over-hyped it. Even the blooper reel is weak tea.
While your premise has merit, you over-hyped it. Even the blooper reel is weak tea.
“Loving” was the best picture of 2016. “Moonlight” was just more gay. “La La Land” wasn’t gay enough. Apparently.
He’s shared so much of his personal story, and a cynic might say that appears to be by design. He’s a weak link in that cast, but “he’s been through so much.” Go ahead, keep grading him on the curve. Any sketch he’s been in the past couple of years has drawn a Sunday AM Facebook shitstorm of “Why in the hell is he…
Delightful, insightful, cutting edge.
Delightful, insightful, cutting edge.
This is one seriously horseshit case of “racialism.” Kid picks out somebody he’s going to assault, and has it video taped. And now he’s playing the victim? Don’t pretend to be this gullible, because you’re not.
His “bottomless well” was akin to Alex Trebeck and George Will’s — researched and written for him. But if you’re making the case that now we’re stuck with Nepotism Mankiewicz and whatever other teleprompter experts they’re throwing at us these days, yeah, he’s worth appreciating.
Your institutional unapologetic ageism continues to amuse me, and I will get an extra giggle on that day when your sites collectively face that “Wide World of Sports,” “60 Minutes” and “Ain’t It Cool News” moment — irrelevant to a new generation.
Absurd that trolls think this kind of stupid star-struck screw-up merits threats and intimidation. It’s not like he crashed the economy or worked at Goldman Sachs.
Whoa. Political naif compares Bernie Sanders to the Pope. You’re why we can’t have nice things. Or competent candidates.
Mellancamp, refreshingly unfiltered, confident, rich and handsome enough to attract an “I need to date within my celebrity status” actress/model whatever. She stayed with him for years, so consider that. The Costner blurb? Who cares why he didn’t go to the Oscars? His presence got “Hidden Figures” made. His work there…