
Go to flea markets all over rural America. Weed gear is a bikers, old bikers, local yokel issue, which is why it did so much better than Clinton.

Fuck Bernie. Seriously. Her poll numbers were sky high without this tax-form hiding opportunist angling for attention. You don’t think Comey and his Crew wouldn’t have spent night and day digging up dirt on an avowed socialist? Grow the fuck up.

Who fucking cares? Kinda like electing and re-electing a professorial, dispassionate “first African American president” who got owned in his first two years, gave us a now-to-be-abandoned half-assed healthcare fix, gave us the Tea Party by not fighting back effectively when those nuts showed up on the scene, and whose

Damn, Sports Illustrated, botching the lyrics to “A Pirate Looks at 40.” “Though I RAN’em away, they’d come back one day.” Damned Yankee landlubbers.

Getting a look a the tax returns Bernie refuses to release could be a teachable moment for those big, fat babies.

You’re on the money re the felt production design. Russell Brand lands a laugh. Kendrick starts, and then abandons “Dream a Little Dream of Me.” That’s it.

Seen it, and was just wondering, is Clover Hope your real name? If so, everything is illuminated.

San Diego?

Two-run wild pitch, Maddon has a guy bunt with two strikes and the go ahead run on third, Maddon’s ace reliever does what the WHOLE BASEBALL WORLD knew he’d do after burning through him in games 5 and 6, pointlessly over-exposing him in game six. He did his best to Bartman that “best game ever” to death. So no. ESPN

Deplorable. Taking bets on his bumper stickers.

How about “All of the above, and Concussion-gate.” I like the fantasy angle— the goose that laid the golden egg, with the egg-laying eventually killing the goose. But the number of people hauled off the field today in your own story links just underlines how the league got caught pretending they weren’t turning brains

Nice piece. I remember the byline, and the hubbub over locker rooms. Sad way to go.

“David Lloyd, a Marine in a nearby mortar bunker, rushed to the scene, took off his web belt and tied it around one of Cleland’s legs to control bleeding.[6] When the medics arrived, Lloyd left to help another injured soldier – one of the two who had gotten off the helicopter with Cleland.

Typo — “Never HEARD” not “hard” her...

Sorry, Blackadders, the sketch had a moment or three. Your “deplorables” are as funny as ours.

No, it’s not analogous to the death of Gawker. Stop it.

Do the old “Top Gear” thing. Have a forensic pathologist go over the car in search of evidence of bodily abuse. You know, as a going away present for Munro.

I would say his range was far more limited than you acknowledge. My most vivid Enberg moments were him covering sports that he’d not really mastered, or even tried to — deferring to Packer/McGuire in college hoops, basically moderating the panel there. Tennis? Widely mocked his first few years of doing that. “Nice

Good that it works, worrying that we’re going to need it to work.

Assad needed “to go” then, needs to go more than ever now. His lingering Russian backed genocide is emboldening the drunken dead-enders from Moscow into a return to brinkmanship. Track Assad, pinpoint him. Take him out, wee hours of election night, while the Russians are distracted trying to give Trump the White