
Sanders, Lieberman, Goldman Sachs, NPR...THOSE people.

#blackmannersmatter. Or don’t, I guess.

Avatar 4: The Postman in Space. Same movie as Waterworld. Without Hopper. Or sailboats.

Tampa Bay, if nobody else has noted that. Lots of these guys down here, on any major highway on a Sunday morning, popping wheelies through traffic, weaving, cutting you off. Amazing she didn’t shoot one of them. It’s Florida, and that’s “Stand Your Ground” in a nutshell.

The problem went back to casting. An obvious miss, on the producers’ part, was not mixing up the demographics — age, race maybe, diverse interests, but especially age. It’s what the Britfolk figured out when they brought in James May. These guys are all 30ish dolts, with no experience of the world outside of cars.

Officiating basketball ought to be done by technology the moment technology is able to do it. Arbitrary, as subjective as calling balls and strikes and all the infractions you can see in any given NFL play. Lin may have a point, but every game you watch is full of these imbalanced blurts (got to call it FAST, gut

Exactly. And the fact that the NCAA will “conveniently” get around to “wrapping up” an investigation that was pretty far down the road in Oct...OF 2014... within days, makes the NCAA the REAL sham here. America’s FIFA. They let them play in a tournament for the championship, through cheating. And then “vacate the

What? You’re skipping past the corrupt-beyond-measure NCAA’s letting Carolina play in and win a national championship which they’ve already ordained will be vacated before Baseball’s All-Star break? Yeah, thank God. And Park. And the Twins. For baseball.

Comb your hair out of your eyes and consider that trolling or not, you are intentionally missing the point. The point is your reach should exceed your grasp, which even a thicky like Rudy figures out in the end. He aims for something he will never achieve, and gets a Notre Dame degree and eventually a movie made about

Von Miller “fined” for farting during rehearsals. Constantly. Antonio Brown can’t keep it down. During rehearsals. Way to represent, Men of Color. Stay classy, NFL.

“Jibe or jibing,” not “jiving”. Jelling is more acceptable than “gelling,” but whatever.

While I’ll grant nodding approval to the description of the phenomenon and “type” described here, and his transgressions and the measures being taken by women acquainted with Ellis and his ilk, there’s a missing component that provides context. Having covered a couple of writers’ conferences over the years, I can tell

See, right up to the punch line, I was thinking “Way to make it all about you, Ginger.” OK, but...self-serving.

Trash talking showboat in the making, and a guy who has recruited some of the most unsportsmanlike players ever to lace up. Young black guy doing that young black athlete ego trip, old white guy grumping “Do as I say, not as my players do” re: “respecting the game.” Close call.

Stick to sports, Sparky. It’s not “v bad.” It’s not great, but it has weight. And if you can get over the Affleck hate and the Holly Hunter haircut of a woman 30 years younger...

A quick reference to who he is, his crimes and why he belongs on a sports website would be handy for those of us who don’t follow the ungodly Saints.

The UNI teammates could not believe the refs put away their whistles during all those entanglements. Coupla fouls not called, either of which stops the clock and the bleeding. But they choked it away, plain pure and simple.

Yeah, wanted to compliment Leitch on that. But his website’s comments don’t work. Le Batard has been toying with the possible racial component to this —in the clubhouse. But I wonder how it might play out if LaRoche was black, or for instance, if the religious element wasn’t there. There are a lot of ways to parent,