
Not if they play for UNC!


She’s changing the subject, attacking a straw man (look it up). No talent tramp whose only gift to culture is her lack of shame about having sex on “leaked” videos and taking pictures of her personally trained/surgically enhanced naked self is called out for being the WORST ROLE MODEL FOR WOMEN...ever. And it’s about

“Looks perfect?” The fuck you say. Looks like a straight remake at half speed. Yeah, the movie is sure to be better than the trailer, with that cast.Love McKinnon and Jones and Wiig and kind of like McCarthy. And Feig knows funny. But none of this stick up for the sisters and grade on the curve shit. The pace is flat,

Lovely takedown. Try living in the Banana Republic of Florida that he brought on. High-handed dictatorial patrician prick. “The smart one”? There is no such Bush. All that money dumped on him, where WILL it end up?

Louisville beats Dook by playing just as doorty. Away from home, the Allen Grayson of basketball gets the calls he should be getting everywhere. Traveling, technicals, etc.

Awful things are said when people want to get out of marriages, and other contracts. Exaggerations, smears, distortions. Not seen anything resembling evidence produced by Kesha to buttress those allegations, and this leap to her defense simply because she trots a Cosby out sounds like something a judge would gravely drew a pretty clear demographic/intellectual link between the Young Libertarians for Rand and Bernie’s (frat) Bros. And Sisters.

Really curious to see Cowherd’s post-ESPN RADIO ratings. He was entertaining in 7 minute doses. Then, he’d make himself the only sports talker on EARTH to find something relevant in a Jack Kemp reference, or Roger Ailes kiss on the lips. Or some bit of hate on unions. He auditioned for Fox for a decade before they

I disagree with your disagreement. The show took years (right up to Hammond’s accident) to find its strengths. They were doing too much in front of a studio audience — the timed laps with the Stig were totally played out. Star in the Reasonably Priced Car worked. But it WAS kind of running on fumes. The road trips

No no. The New Captain Slow. Only not slow.

Brilliant move. The show’s international, he’s American and VERY well known. And he knows cars. He can play self-effacing and droll. Very Captain Slow. Only he isn’t. Slow. He’s funny off the cuff. And again, he knows cars. I’ll bet the rocket scientists who cast the American version wished they’d had the sense to

Fascinating read. I like the idea of the triumph of “travel” over “driving.” I know, making long road trips with a dog (park to park intervals) or any trip by sailboat (anchorage to anchorage) the virtues of taking it easier and truly seeing the world you’re passing through. But the real value of self-driving is in

Not expecting much from him or the reboot — right away, in any event. But I can’t help but notice the deja vu one gets from the British press coverage of this “new bloke taking on a British institution.” Remember “Daniel Craig can’t drive a stick” and the like when he took over as Bond? Comes with the territory.

This is a Super Bowl ad, Fiat/Chrysler. In case you didn’t recognize it. Buy the footage, edit to de-emphasize the more illegal moments, finish with a graphic — “There is only One.:” You’re welcome.

The damages awarded seem excessive. We’ve all witnessed this sort of biker behavior — it’s reckless, nerve rattling and infantile. The cop was jacked up on...something. And went over the top. But not knowing he was being pursued? Please. Suspend the cop for a week, pay the biker for bike and bodily damage. Don’t

Always a little leery of their efforts to spin. This is ridiculously hard to pull off, but seas today should have had them expecting failure. Thus, I wasn’t surprised their video feed winked out. The lack of flexibility in the landing site or mode (simply dropping it into the ocean) is a little troubling. 10-13 foot

That’s a perfectly valid way of looking at road range. I have to make a monthly 720 mile drive from Fla to NC and then VA, and it beats the living hell out of me. I have never bought a car with an automatic transmission, and I love roadsters. But if I could autopilot through GA and SC and much of NC, I wouldn’t be too

Such a win win for you folks. The cheaters get in, and “hypocritical” sports writers are to blame. They don’t, “sanctimonious” sports writers are to blame. Laughable child-trolls at Gawker media, it’s about breaking rules that inflated their numbers, setting an example for future cheaters that this one glory, at

No Tiger Woods? Get after the low hanging fruit, too.