
Waaaaaaaaaay late on this, Sparky. And a coupla dollars short.

What a fun read. But also a cry for help, maybe? You’ve kind of become a hoarder, no? Hoarders never have time to date. Those 4.0 Jeep Cherokees are manageable (“I got this”) beasts, dealt with one at a time. I drove two five speed versions from the 90s into the 150-200K range, with nary an engine mount snap (water

Republished, but without fixing the typo? (which suggest, not “which suggesting”). Living near KSC, seeing the many commercial launches over the past couple of years, I am increasingly confident that NASA is heading back in the right direction. But your points about “political will” and all these presidents suggesting

Show has its reliable “go to” list of guest, Beltway insiders all. It has a reliable point of view on most every subject. But truth be told, it/she have been almost unlistenable for years. YEARS. She is an NPR sacred cow who should have been urged into an off-air producer role back in the last millenium. Bob Edwards

Brilliant take-down.

Depends on the athlete. Jerks and cheats (Tiger, stand warned) we have no patience for (Maguire, Sosa, A-Rod), beloved figures we cut some slack for a Victory Lap.

He doesn’t represent the majority. But by no means is this asshat rare. His ilk are everywhere, and they set a bar that even casual riders seem tempted by — squeezing in between traffic at stoplights, scooting along the shoulder. Because the rules don’t apply when you’ve got two wheels, do they?

Zero chemistry in the love triangle, start to finish, a finale of little emotion or excitement, evident from the disengaged performers on the screen, a perfunctory and action-starved finale. Pandering to panting masses may make you feel tingly today. Will you admit to endorsing this shit a year from now? Methinks not.

Always better to ask forgiveness than ask permission when it comes to monopolies, or governments, with something to hide. Did you ID yourselves as press? If it’s a public event, why bother?

Let’s filter this through the Gawker Media PC lens...The locals weren’t “using” the land? The British newcomers would, and were “taking jobs the Aboriginals didn’t want.” It’s always “invasion” when it’s white folks, except when it’s whites displacing other whites (the long “migration” history of Europe — Romans,

Mass tree planting and wetland restoration are being talked up as possible repairs to the crippled climate system.

Developers salivating over the “360 degree views” and how they on them. You watch.

Great idea for a test, great execution of the test. I had two XJs, drove each well over 125,000 miles with only a single water pump replacement and one clutch replacement between them, pulled a 1.5 ton sailboat (more, when yanking it up the ramp, due to water ballast), plowed through snow, sand, muddy 100

The movie “Labryinthe of Lies” touches on that failed “De-Nazification” and how within a decade or two of the end of the war, Germans were in deep denial over what they’d done and a generation was being raised utterly oblivious to it. So they started prosecuting their own war criminals. This NEVER happened in Japan,

Goddamn right. “The rules are for the four-wheelers.” Hate that crap, in traffic, bikers weaving in and out, on the shoulder. Context? Since they were videotaping, were they out for a little balls-to-the-wall speed on two lanes (Interstates have too many cops)? I agree with TheChafing below, too. Seriously, these

The “Suicide Doors” should have been your first clue. Hoot of a piece, tho.

What worked in the Brit series, that has failed in the US one, is chemistry — and a bit of cross-generational rivalry (hiring three guys the same age made the U.S. one still-born, among other chemistry issues). The best bits were the races, “challenges,” involving a broad cross section of car loving huMAN-ity. Races

VW — pre Dieselgate, famed for long stretches of company-wide electrical issues, making an electric car? Hard sell. Easier to find new ways to cheat.

Nice. Good research links. Including to the Houston Chronicle.

A toy you should never, ever buy new. Because Craigslist/etc. is overloaded with used ones. Most of them one-3 years old. For all the joy a few folks here are declaring, they’re a limited use/limited appeal watercraft — zero utility (not a real boat, and zipping around the lake/river/seacoast gets boring — fast), zero