
It’s gone from Liddy, Haldeman and Ehrlichman to Agnew. Nixon’s still hiding in his Swiss bunker. Will this scandal be enough to make the world wise to the Swiss culture of chocolate, cuckoo clocks and corruption?

The existing gasoline engine sounds like a Toro lawnmower, circa 1985. Shrieking to get you up to speed. Inadequate for the heaviest versions of the Prius. Sets my teeth on edge. Or maybe that’s from the way my girlfriend drives hers.

He wasn’t fired. This whole link-packed piece is an overreach. Money, he wanted too much. They couldn’t reach a deal. Dan Patrick redux.

So you bought into the hypocrisy of a high body count comic book movie falling all over itself to “save” the innocent. Good on ya. Thump your chest over succumbing to onscreen spin.

Yup. Over-rated. The franchise’s novelty lasted one entire movie. This time? Played. Been there. A C+, at best, even on the curved comic-book movie scale. This review is overly generous and pandering.

You people can hate all you need to. When this movie comes out, the Grace Kelly comparisons will have you seeing red and drinking.

The concerns expressed here and in the film are pretty conventional, if no less chilling. I missed the Wittgenstein allusion, but how does no character in the film move past “The Turing Test” and introduce a little Asimov leeriness to all this? His Laws of Robotics seem more prescient, even if they’re a restraint that

This is a great public service, an antidote to "Wheeler Dealers" Pollyannaism. You might want to add some mention of the expensive tools you have no idea you'll need, the storage issues you haven't anticipated, the jobs you'll have to have your own shop to do, and the hidden resentment that simmers in a spouse who

How in God's name anybody can root for UK or serial cheater Calipari is beyond me. They're a minor league pro team with no connection to the game most of the other schools are playing. That said, this is a real Usual Suspects Final Four.

They could shove STeve Coogan into Clarkson's spot, or as you suggested, some rotating series of guest hosts (Rowan Atkinson, Simon Cowell, Cameron Diaz, some of the best guest stars). Clarkson's hyperbole, amusing jingoism and irreverence will be missed. Not his unreliable "reviews," his rudeness, narrow mindedness

Yeah, I have been waiting for your apology on that one, too Ms. Moskovitz. The one with UT may end up in sealed files that no one outside the state will be able to access. So walking back your bullshit "reporting" on that earlier debacle here would be helpful to your regular readers.

You didn't consider hiring a local stringer? Well, this is a more damning/lazy/cheap approach.

Telemundo, Univision, the last places in America where you can see comics dressed in BLACKFACE. Seriously, if you haven't caught this, you're missing out. The fact that few notice what they're up to outside of "their" community lets this stuff slide by all the time. I channel skipped by somebody in blackface on one of

Interesting context, noting the ancient intermingling of ethnic Japanese with Chinese, Korean, etc. But you're pussyfooting around the big, damning fact, the one that hangs like a shadow over the country's dire birthrate and declining population. This "Pure Japanese" thing that they've embraced for centuries makes

Seriously, the Truman track is only worthy of a "fuck you, you ignorant child" response. Japan's barbarism, going back to Manchuria, its intransigence in the face of total defeat that had been obvious for two years, its government's willingness to sacrifice its people to the last kamikaze, all back up the rightness of

Thicke and Funny Hat Dude's lawyers provoked this. The Tom Petty/Sam Smith should be the model. You borrow the chords, the production mix style, you credit them and share the money. Suing "pre-emptively" was a douche move, and disingenuous. As is your suggestion that the winners in this suit didn't "suffer." No, but

The spurious argument that you lean on, that the tactics of Harris and LeMay "didn't work," is far from consensus. Conversely, much of what I've read points to Hamburg — a "terror" raid that flattened a city and created so many refugees that it nearly overwhelmed the Nazi state — as something that had it been

You folks, and I, would be loathe to admit it. But Cowherd has the take that makes the most sense, that Kelly kept telling his assistants at Oregon that he'd love to go to the NFL and "spend all my money on defense." Offense? "My system" is what he believes in. So, not crazy, Steven A. Smith "racist." Not inscrutable.

I was sharpening my claws, all set to trash this pile of trash. But that's a righteous list. Throw in "1941" and a mention of Tcheky Karyo, who MADE "The Core," and you're good. High praise indeed, coming from the likes of me.

I'd love to BELIEVE this, however — there is nothing quantifiable suggested here. No S/N ratio, dynamic range measurements, no suggestion of digital clipping off of the high end or low end, no discussion of speakers whatsoever. This sounds a bit like the "tubes still rule" nonsense that I heard when I was in college.