
Actually, the headline and the tone of the piece suggests just that. Why post a photo of a police report if not to insinuate something nefarious or damning? CNN quoting some asshat from the Swimming Hall of Fame? Seriously? This is thread gathered to reach a conclusion, and since vigorous outdoor physical activity

Excellent suggestion. No matter how tricky it would be for refs to decide which flag is in which pocket, the idea reduces opportunity for game-fixing mischief.

It's not a "snub" or racist to omit a middling film passably performed, which only OPRAH thought of as an Oscar sure thing. "Selma" had mediocre direction, less than inspiring performances. It IS a snub to skip past "Belle" and Gugu Mbtha-Raw, certainly a top five performance, probably the best performance by an actor

Interesting, but you have nothing here that remotely constitutes some sort of smoking gun. The fact is, this sort of thing happens more often than you'd think. That's one line of inquiry you ignored. It doesn't happen to semi-famous jocks, but people tumble overboard, have their undersized boats swamp, etc. I live on

A quick trip to Wikipedia confirms that just over 1,000 ME-262s were built from 1944-45. So...the article and the claims within it turn hard toward the realm of hyperbole. #gawkermediafactchecking

A wonderful list...except for "Phrenology." Who has taken that seriously since Conan-Doyle's era? There are too many more modern pseudo sciences that have legions of advocates to waste the Ten spot on your listicle on one Alexander Graham Bell might have investigated.

A. He traveled. B. The Magic won, "indictment" or not, Timothy Burke. So the take away? NBA "violations creep" is a non starter, has been since Dr. J. started that three and four step dunk nonsense and the short guys in the stripes were ordered to look away. And showboats on losing teams are derided on a Deadspin

Mweyer is right. Most of what's discussed in the doc as described here turned up in the NPR radio drama, which I recall has a lot of Biggs in it, for starters. Lucas had a long, complex and character-filled script that was more wholly realized on radio, edited and altered for the screen trilogy.

Hah! Deadspin cracking on other organizations' diversity. Any straight black males (or females) over 40 working there? Perhaps adding a couple of grownups to your staff would curb your incessant ageist trolling.

Ben Cohen, author of the Wall Street Journal article this is cribbed from, went to Duke according to Linked In.

Gee, thanks Ben Cohen, for not disclosing that you went to Duke. And thus allowing all my Tarhole friends wriggle room on the River Denial. Pretty serious thing to leave out, down there parts.

Check the date on The Monroe Doctrine. While the term dates from the 1850s, it was formulated and established by President Monroe, in 1823, a lot earlier than "50 years earlier." Read deeper into the Wikipedia entry, in other words. And as to these war game extrapolations, it's pretty doubtful these "plans" were

There has to be one Gadget Guru, the grizzled geezer who keeps everybody's out of date tech running. More a "Max Headroom," "Hardware" and "Snowpiercer/Oblivion" thing.

While you're right about the general idea that NPR and anything resembling coverage of something involving testosterone is...dubious (I worked at a few NPR stations), you're being absurdly thin-skinned about this particular story. I tried to add anti-freeze to my Mini, and had to drain the entire GD system because it

"Safe" is top five Statham. No better. Considering that it's borderline "Transporter," you have to go back to the Luc Besson cars and ass-kicking classic. Did Statham ,barefoot, tear the toe-clips pedals off a ten-speed to kick the crap out of legions of heavies on an oil-covered floor in "Safe"? No. I'd list them as

"Whose." Not "who's (who is) past is returning to rightfully haunt him." Not that his "past" has anything to do with a fading comic touch.

No, it's a legit question. Suppose you cannot stomach flappy paddle manual transmission shifters? They're not that far removed from stick shifters, but bespoke or not, that would be a deviation I'd ask about.

Negligent homicide. They could make something on that order stick. He got cute and killed a 20 year old who was acting like an idiot.

Just got a ticket there a few weeks back — 67 in a 45. I joked with the cop, "Where were you when I hit 112?" I had (Cooper S), but in I dare say a far more rural and more fun Southwestern Va. county. These are, bar none, some of the finest driving back roads in America. Pity one can't wind it up there the way you'd

North central to Western NC and central to Western Va. are the best driving roads. In the world. You're trading up.