Ichiban, Miso and Soy are their best flavors.
Ichiban, Miso and Soy are their best flavors.
Oh these fucking fucks!
wE MUst LoOk IntO ThIs!!11!1!
We all picture people like Kathy live in some sort of rundown redneck neighborhood engaging in redneck headass-ery and the sort. When maybe it might be more like, Kathy sucking off her brother-in-law (who works in a car dealership.) because she has been in love with him and only married current husband to get close to…
MMmm, yes. Most excellent.
I’d like to think it’s Bobsplosion.
I agree with/and support this statement.
Why do they always look like that? ugh!
But you’re here commenting, so fuck you, you fat loser. :D
And nobody can stop me. >:D
No u.
Shut your ass up, you don’t even own a cat. Wtf do you know?
I wish we could down vote, cause this article sucks dick. Like the people in the article.
You fucking nailed it!!!! 1000000%%%%%
So many cucktards in here crying about “enforcing” the laws. lol
You don’t even have a nephew, shut the fuck up.
I heard a dummy once tell me that MSG can cause cancer.
Eat a bag of dicks, chief.
I’ve flown Spirit 2x and enjoyed it, don’t @ me.